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NEW R6 + Rumble Pack 2in1 released

NEW R6 + Rumble Pack 2in1 released

This version is the newest batch of R6, come with the free NDS/NDSL 2in1 rumble pack, and the motion menu start to support multi-language , TF loading more faster, game compatibility more higher.

more info:,5069.0.html

R6 Gold and Silver

The NDS/NDSL 2in1 rumble

By default it work with NDSL directly, 100% fit with NDSL

IF you want to use this rumble pack on the FAT NDS, you can use the screwdriver to change the NDSL small case to NDS big case, to make it work on NDS.

What come with the packing:
R6 Gold * 1
NEO 9in1 USB loader * 1
NDS/NDSL 2in1 rumble pack * 1

NEW MK5-DX 2008 version released

NEW MK5-DX version released
the hardware of new MK5-DX is same with the first version MK5, but the packing is changed, and it come with the NDS/NDSL 2in1 rumble pack too, you can enjoy the rumble function on your FAT NDS from now!

more info:,5068.0.html

the new MK5-DX 8G & 16G cart

it come with:
MK5-DX 8G/16G * 1
MK5 USB loader * 1
NDS/NDSL 2in1 rumble pack * 1

R6 motion menu v3.0.0582 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-4-1]

R6 motion menu v3.0.0582 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-4-1] (for test only)

* Support KOREAN / ENGLISHG 2 language now
  0 = Korean
  1 = English
* Fix some bugs

download :[2008-4-1].rar


Continue reading R6 motion menu v3.0.0582 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-4-1]

How To win the “NEO Top Reviewer” …

How To win the "NEO Top Reviewer" …

CLOSE TIME: April.5th
more info:,5003.0.html 

the GOOD review examples:
NDS Application reviews  by MagNet
PSP Games reviews  by koollectablz

From this contest we try to use a new judge way — everyone can become the judger! You just need test all contest entering and submit your very detailed test report to us , if can come with your top 10 winner judgment will be best, here have one nice judgment sample come from anjanj26 —,4601.msg31451.html#msg31451 .

We will set a new award — "NEO Professional Reviewer Award" from this contest, we will check all review reports and choose top 3 from NDS division and top 3 from PSP division too, so will have 6 top "NEO Professional Reviewer" will get our prize.

The top 6 NEO Professional Reviewers (3 from NDS/GBA division and 3 from PSP division) can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

1. Where do the reviewers have to place their reviews? — this zone.

2. And do they have to review all 76 entries, or just the entries of one division or just their top 10? — If you want to review psp only, then you will have chance to win the "NEO Top Reviewer" for PSP devision only; if you review PSP and NDS division both, then you will have chance to win both, it mean NDS division and psp division is not conflict, more review more chance.  ~sm-35.gif~

And as a "professional" reviewer, he(she) should test ALL entries of the NDS and (or) PSP division and give out very detailed report and give out his(her) top10 position too, that's how we judge he(she) can win the "NEO TOP REVIEWER" award or not.  More detailed review more chance  sm-22

3. A very important question arises: Do the reviewers have to make a chart, so that the 1st meantioned/ranked entry in the review gets more points than the 2nd etc.? Or do all top 10 entries of a reviewer get the same points?
— You can make this review by your own way, we don't make so much limit, but yes, a very detailed chart and score list will make your review more professional.  Remember the entry will get more points if it come with motion support and it's "original" entry.

4. Yes, I'd like to know how many entries of a division we should actually test to make our review?  I would only be interested in the NDS division, but would I have to review all the entries or just a selection? — You should review all, but you can give out the detailed report for the "good" entry, and simple report for the normal one.

5. Should games get points for motion support if the motion controls suck?  — YES, support motion function and "original entry" will get points both.

6. Is there a deadline for these reviews?   — it will stop to submit  at April.5th

7. Since "original" and "motion" are +5 what scale are the games supposed to be rated out of? For example:
80/100 +5 to make 85/100, here +5 is worth 5%.
20/30 +5 to make 25/30, here +5 is worth around 15%.  — hum…. it should be worth 5% more, like x 1.05

NEO Spring Compo 2008 ( 76 entries total )


NEO Spring Compo 2008 ( 76 entries total )

more info:,5002.0.html


we will announce the final result at April.10th 2008.

Thanks for all authors, the NEO Spring Compo 2008 was closed finally, we have got 76 entries , and we have saw many great production inside, thanks again! 🙂

Now every one can start to test these entries and give out your reviews, you will have chance to win the TOP VIEWER award and the prize same with these authors!  More info you can check here:,4862.0.html

and welcome all authors submit your professional review too, but we can't give out the double bonus to authors for their review, this review prize should give to the homebrew supporter, hope can understand it 🙂

From this contest we try to use a new judge way — everyone can become the judger! You just need test all contest entering and submit your very detailed test report to us , if can come with your top 10 winner judgment will be best, here have one nice judgment sample come from anjanj26 —,4601.msg31451.html#msg31451 .

We will set a new award — "NEO Professional Reviewer Award" from this contest, we will check all review reports and choose top 3 from NDS division and top 3 from PSP division too, so will have 6 top "NEO Professional Reviewer" will get our prize.

The top 10 prize list for NDS(GBA) and PSP contest,4 divisions are same:

The No.1  : US$300 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

The No.2  : US$200 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

The No.3  : US$100 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

The No.4 ~ No.10 : can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

The top 6 NEO Professional Reviewers (3 from NDS/GBA division and 3 from PSP division) can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

The PSP APP division of NEO SPRING COMPO 2008 (11 entries total)

Position Project Title & Forum Link Author Download Link
  [PSP APP] Coverflow  sony psp player  
  [PSP APP] Dow! 0.2 – Develop on the go  bumuckl  
  [PSP App] Emu Loader  TokyoDrift  
  [PSP APP] PSP-Maps  royale  
  [PSP APP] LightMP3 Version 2.0.0 BETA 1  sakya  
  [PSP APP] Multi Tasker  sg57  
  [PSP APP] VisMP3 Media Library / Visualizer  arpaagent  
  [PSP APP] Academic Aid Scholastic Suite 6 R769 – Education Mr305  
  [PSP APP] AIO Tuner ai3gtmc  
  [PSP APP] 3D GDS   saulotmalo  
  [PSP APP] CTorrentPSP – Torrent client for PSP  danzel  


The PSP GAME division of NEO SPRING COMPO 2008 (27 entries total)

Position Project Title & Forum Link Author Download Link
  [PSP GAME] Motion Pong 0.2  bumuckl  
  [PSP GAME] Orbid V2  Slasher  
  [PSP GAME] KOPBANPSP 0.41  kaltorak  
  [PSP GAME] Aap Lander   BlackShark  
  [PSP GAME] POLYGUNWARS v0.5  ahrimanes  
  [PSP GAME] Bumper Harvest  Kagato  
  [PSP GAME] Unofficial Cave Story:Return To World  leviadragon  
  [PSP GAME] Scogger 0.2  scognito  
  [PSP GAME] AgenaWorld 1.5  edepot  
  [PSP GAME] Bugz  InsertWittyName  
  [PSP GAME] Convey!  saulotmalo  
  [PSP GAME] Dororo's Adventure  b0rk  
  [PSP GAME] Paper Battle v1.0  mitchelljm  
  [PSP GAME] Kitten Cannon  sg57  
  [PSP GAME] Kakuro Nichiyou PSP 1.1  MK2k  
  [PSP GAME] Asteroid Barrier v1 [LUA]  pipagerardo  
  [PSP GAME] Let's Roll! [FINAL VERSION] Da_MerV  
  [PSP GAME] Tetriabetes 1.43  dragula96  
  [PSP Game] Look Out! v0.70 NeoFlash Edition Tanos  
  [PSP GAME] BlowUp! – 1.0 RELEASED! gambiting  
  [PSP GAME] Sushi Rubik version 1.2  teamsushi  
  [PSP GAME] Avoid It v0.2  cdesseno  
  [PSP GAME] Impact  slicer4ever  
  [PSP GAME] Heartlight Deluxe PSP 1.0  MK2k  
  [PSP GAME] The chronicle of Mr. SUN !  dm79  
  [PSP GAME] Flo's Funportal 1.1 FloXxX  


The NDS/GBA APP division of NEO SPRING COMPO 2008 (13 entries total)

Position Project Title & Forum Link Author Download Link
  [NDS APP] My Project-Reno Studio Neo Compo willreno  
  [NDS APP] Motion Plotter  Sektor  
  [NDS APP] Flashcart OS: N 2.1  TeenDev  
  [NDS APP] FAT PLAYER MIKMOD v3  Cid2Mizard  
  [NDS APP] Spinal's Media Player…  spinal  
  [NDS APP] TabBed  wizlon  
  [NDS APP] DSBash  leinad  
  [NDS APP] Mediatheque DS v1.0 Cid2Mizard  
  [NDS APP] DSF samel  
  [NDS APP] JabberDS theli  
  [NDS APP] DSision spinal  
  [NDS APP] Wee Basic 0.4 marovada  
  [NDS APP] DS-DOS *updated to .45* wolped  


The NDS/GBA GAME division of NEO SPRING COMPO 2008 (25 entries total)

Position Project Title & Forum Link Author Download Link
  [NDS GAME] Snake Dual Screen  edddy  
  [NDS GAME] Game Melody Oratorio  DesertDog  
  [GBA Game] Super Mario : The Last GBA Quest  omg  
  [NDS GAME] 15a. ULTIMATE SLIDING PUZZLE – Pack Ecchi  kukulcan  
  [NDS GAME] Puzl  SiW  
  [NDS GAME] ChessNET – Online Chess Game (Release 1)  CYBER_Aeon  
  [NDS GAME] Piztog Tower Defense Shoog  
  [NDS GAME] Legion  smealum  
  [NDS GAME] Star Wars Battles  space1  
  [NDS GAME] PongClassicDS (0.5) minishlink  
  [NDS GAME] MarbleMan: The Arena  MagNet  
  [NDS GAME] Electro  chris28  
  [GBA GAME] Chocobo World Deluxe Davgav  
  [NDS GAME] jaPongG  leinad  
  [NDS GAME] NoobMiniGames  tiancai  
  [NDS GAME] Escape From Island  Ben2303  
  [NDS GAME] 13. AREA TEN  kukulcan  
  [NDS GAME] Super Wings [GBA]  eKid  
  [NDS GAME] LoneWolfDS – Flight From The Dark  Michoko  
  [NDS GAME] DualShooter  eadmaster  
  [NDS GAME] ASCIIWAR 0.9999  samel  
  [NDS GAME] Scogger 0.2  scognito  
  [NDS GAME] DiceSoldiers t4ils  
  [NDS GAME] 15c. ULTIMATE SLIDING PUZZLE – Pack Arcade kukulcan  
  [NDS GAME] 15b. ULTIMATE SLIDING PUZZLE – Pack Sci-Fi kukulcan  





R6 motion menu v3.0.0315 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-18]

R6 motion menu v3.0.0315 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-18]

* Support rumble pack
* TF accessing speed up
* Support more roms

# Multi-language support
# Enable TF turbo speed option

download :,4941.0.html



more info:,4928.0.html

* Use NEO2/3 to store the roms
* Build in USB online burn function
* Cheat Code support
* Real Time game save
* Support almost game maps
and more ……


R6 motion menu v3.0.0301 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-10]

R6 motion menu v3.0.0301 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-10]


* Add game save backup/restore
* Re-write some code

The final splash image for NEO Spring Compo 2008 announced


The final splash image for NEO Spring Compo 2008 announced

More info:,4862.0.html

the NEO SPRING COMPO 2008 splash for PSP :

the NEO SPRING COMPO 2008 splash for NDS, you can  choose the bottom screen OR both:
top screen:

bottom screen:

the NEO SPRING COMPO 2008 splash for GBA :

please add these splash to your project and sumbit it before March.20th 2008.

The final result of NEO Spring Compo Splash design

Here are all entries of NEO Spring Compo Splash design:

more info:,4864.0.html

By: FloXxX

By: J-Fox

By: Luzu

By: bumuckl

By: Soma

By: sturm105

By: tiancai

By: zeblackos

And we are glad to announce —
the No.1 is zeblackos's second design!
and the No.2 is J-Fox design!
these 2 winners please tell me what prize you want , and PM me the address and TEL number for ship the prize Cheesy

Warn again: DON’T TRY IT!

Warning! DON'T run the old upgrade program IF your MK5 menu is 1.45 version already!

more info:,4889.0.html

If you try to run the OLD upgrade rom (like the OLD 1.23x series), will make your MK5 v1.45 crash immediately, the only one way to fix it is — you have to try to find the MK5 GBA USB linker to compelte this upgrade process!

It's no way to format it on PC through your MK5 USB loader 2008, and we will try to make this program but it's not easy really and will take a long time.

If you have run the OLD upgrade program already and can't use your MK5 again because you can't find the GBA USB linker, but you don't want to wait our new upgrade fix program ready, you can choose to send back it to your shop for ask they finish this old menu upgrade for you, or exchange a new mk5 directly.

Warn again: DON'T TRY IT!

the OLD GBA USB LINKer photo:

the last menu v1.45+2.5x (stable version) photo,don't try to downgrade it to any lower version!

R6 motion menu v3.0.0265 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-1]

R6 motion menu v3.0.0265 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-1]

* Add sub-folder support
* Fixed the SDHC loading bug
* More better auto DLDI support
* Support R6 GOLD motion menu function
* Update the loader core



design your NEO Spring Compo 2008 splash, to win new MK5 / R6 !

design your NEO Spring Compo 2008 splash, to win new MK5 / R6 !

more info:,4864.msg33333.html#msg33333

now we start one small contest, you can degisn your great splash for the coming NEO Spring compo, here is some details:

close time — March.10th 2008
prize for No1. — new MK5 16G or R6 Gold 2008
prize for No2. — new MK5 8G or R6 Silver 2008

the splash sample for PSP :

the splash sample for NDS :

the splash sample for GBA :

hope can see your great design again Smiley

NEO Spring coding contest 2008 for NDS(GBA) and PSP first announcement

NEO Spring coding contest 2008 for NDS(GBA) and PSP first announcement
*** close time: March.20th 2008 ***

more info:,4862.0.html

* NDS(GBA) and PSP Game division
There are 10 winners for NDS(GBA) game and 10 winners for PSP game, total 10+10 winners.

* NDS(GBA) and PSP APP division
There are 10 winners for NDS(GBA) App and 5 winners for PSP App, total 10+5 winners.

In this neo coding contest, the main concept is for R6 Gold / MK6 Motion cart / PSP Motion kit applications, it's mean you will have more chance to win with an Apps using the full motion function.

The rules of NEO Spring coding contest 2008:

[1] All original entries will get +5 "original score " , but the second entry (same project from last contest but improved, and just enter one more time again ) will don't get any "original score" in this contest.

[2] From this contest we try to use a new judge way — everyone can become the judger! You just need test all contest entering and submit your very detailed test report to us , if can come with your top 10 winner judgement will be best, here have one nice judgment sample come from anjanj26 —,4601.msg31451.html#msg31451 .
    We will set a new award — "NEO Professional Reviewer Award" from this contest, we will check all review reports and choose top 3 from NDS division and top 3 from PSP division too, so will have 6 top "NEO Professional Reviewer" will get our prize.

[3] The result of public contest projects poll just use for judger refer, but it'll not affect the project score again.

[4] The No.1 winner from last Neo contest can't use their same project (even it has updated a lot) to enter this contest again.

[5] You can enter the PSP/NDS/GBA's GAME contest and APP contest at the same time, without any limit.

[6] You must put the splash screen of "NEO Spring coding contest 2008" to your production.

[7] If your production have enter other contest before, you can enter this NEO contest still.

[8] If your project can support NEO Motion function, then you will get +5 "Motion Score".

[9] You don't need public your source code, but if you can PM to us for refer will be welcome.

The top 10 prize list for NDS(GBA) and PSP contest,4 divisions are same:

The No.1  : US$300 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

The No.2  : US$200 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

The No.3  : US$100 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

The No.4 ~ No.10 : can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

The top 6 NEO Professional Reviewers (3 from NDS/GBA division and 3 from PSP division) can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

Total winners : 41

NEO Spring Coding contest 2008 close time : March.20th 2008
Winner prize send out time : April.20th 2008

Note: We will keep the right for use the neo contest production in the NEO products,like use for demo.

Continue reading NEO Spring coding contest 2008 for NDS(GBA) and PSP first announcement

DLDI Drop for MK-R6 (Mac OS X DLDI app)

DLDI Drop for MK-R6  (Mac OS X DLDI app) 
by Jan Kampling (modfied by Sturmen)

Usage: Drag .nds/gba.nds/.sc.nds file onto the icon. Can also be dragged to icon in the Dock.

Changelog from 1.52:
Added NeoFlash MK-R6 driver


TTDS v1.08 menu [Feb.1th 2008]

TTDS v1.08 menu [Feb.1th 2008]
  * Upgrade cheat code library, up to 1981
  * Support the menu sleep function
  * Support use L to adjust the brightness in the menu


the R6 menu 3.0 beta V31b [2008-01-28]

the R6 menu 3.0 beta V31b [2008-01-28]

download :,4821.msg33080.html

*  Fixed some TF compatibility bugs,now should support many TF already
*  Add homebrew auto-DLDI support
*  Can load rom now,but not 100% yet
*  Hold L+R button when power on then can boot slot-2 (passme)
*  Use RIGHT and LEFT key can roll the page in menu
*  Can show the file type and save mode in the menu

[1]  keep to improve TF compatibility
[2]  add motion function in menu
[3]  support sub-folder
[4]  improve TF loading speed
[5]  support cheat code

the current menu have test on these TF cards:

Neoflash R6 Gold Review…

Neoflash R6 Gold
By: spinal

morew info:,4811.0.html

Neoflash's newest flash card will be a surprise for some people as it is not only a slot-1 flash card but it also has full motion sensing capabilities built right into it. There are already homebrew games and applications that take advantage of the DS Motion Card and DS Motion Pak,
and since the R6 Gold uses the same motion sensing technology, it means you'll be able to make full use of the device from the moment you open the box.


According to the NeoFlash website, the R6 Gold has the following features –

   * 1:1 original NDS cart size
   * Supports ALL versions of NDS & Lite
   * Simple PLUG and PLAY
   * Drag and paste, no need for any extra patching
   * NDS brightness adjustable
   * Supports Auto Sleep Mode
   * Built in MagicKey pass2
   * Built in 2M EEPROM Save
   * Built in 2M SRAM buffer
   * Built in 16M menu flash
   * Supports homebrew
   * Suitable for MicroSD (TF)
   * Built in X,Y,Z 3-axis high speed accelerometer
   * Built in GYRO sensor

However this list is slightly out dated, the R6 Gold now also features the following –

   * Built in 4K/64K/256K/512K/2M/4M EEPROM hardware save
   * Nice blue LED

Also included with the R6 Gold, is a nice little USB microSD reader. This reader is half the size of most USB devices and plugs directly inside the USB port (there is no metal surround).


Anyway, back to the R6. One of the first thing's you will notice is that unlike some other slot-1 cards, it has HCSD support.  This means newer high capacity microSD cards will work just fine (Although I have not personally tested this feature as I don't have any HCSDs to test it with). Also you will see that the 'comb' that covers the contacts on the back of the card is missing, I assume this is either to aid in the production process, or to make cleaning the contacts possible.  Either way, they're no miss. As the feature list states, the card is 1:1 size compared to commercial carts, and although it is a little snug, it's not in a bad way. It just means you can't shoot it across the room like you can with commercial carts. It will slide in and out without a problem.


The R6 Gold works much the same as any other FT based slot-1 card, the menu should be named _boot_ds.nds and placed on the root of the card. If the menu is not found, the user will be presented with the built-in flash menu. The user is presented with the Neoflash logo on the top screen, and some options on the bottom screen for selecting the different save types and booting to slot-1 or slot-2, with the device then searching for _boot_ds.nds on the chosen device.

As with most other cards, the R6 Gold loads homebrew without a problem, albeit currently without dldi auto patching, but that is likely to change in the future (don't worry, there is already a dldi patch for the R6). The menu is a simple one, with a list of files (and folders), each with their icon to the left.  Just select what you want to load, and that's it. Wait a few seconds and you're playing. Continue reading Neoflash R6 Gold Review…

new MK5 USB Loader 2008 version release

new MK5 USB Loader 2008 version release

more info:,4794.0.html

* Plug and Play, not need any driver
* Support all OS
* Build in LED indication
* Support all third-brand NAND card, like N-card , DS fire linker ……
* Support USB 2.0
* Don't need NDS console work together

Continue reading new MK5 USB Loader 2008 version release

NEO 9IN1 USB Loader release

NEO 9IN1 USB Loader release

more info:,4793.0.html

◇ Plug and Play, driver FREE
◇ Support all operate system
◇ 9in1 intelligent design,build in LED display
◇ Support  SD / TF / SD-HC / MMC / RS-MMC / MMC-Mobile / MMC-Plus directly
◇ Support  Mini-SD & MMC-Micro through the convertor
◇ Very fast USB2.0 accessing speed


Continue reading NEO 9IN1 USB Loader release

how to select the R6/MK6-save cart EEPROM chip type and LED display mode

how to select the R6/MK6-save cart EEPROM chip type and LED display mode

more info:,4781.0.html

important: FE,FD,FB,F7 is SPI command , but the D7 / F3 / F1 / F6 all are rom bus command!

How to select the save type for MK6 save cart & R6 Version 2008 :

FE,FD,FB,F8  —-  Enter the motion sensor mode and exit the EEPROM mode  (all 4 byte are SPI command)

FE,FD,FB,F9  —-  Exit the sensor mode and return to  4K EEPROM (all 4 byte are SPI command)

FE,FD,FB,FA  —-  Exit the sensor mode and return to 512K EEPROM mode-1 (normally we just need use this 512K mode-1 , if some game can't save, then can try 512K mode-2)

FE,FD,FB,FB  —-  Exit the sensor mode and return to 2M/4M/8M EEPROM

FE,FD,FB,FC  —-  Exit the sensor  mode and return to  512K EEPROM mode-2


How to control the blue LED on R6 2008:
 FE,FD,FB,F7 + F6
BYTE NUMBER                                             1   2   3   4   5   6  7   8

Indication ROM bus accessing (by default) F6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Indication EEPROM bus accessing              F6 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
Disable LED                                                F6 00 02 00 00 00 00 00
Light the LED                                             F6 00 04 00 00 00 00 00
Slow wink                                                  F6 00 05 00 00 00 00 00
Normal wink                                               F6 00 06 00 00 00 00 00
Fast wink                                                   F6 00 07 00 00 00 00 00


the menu upgrade for MK6 / R6-Gold and R6-Silver Beta 0.91 [Jan.8th 2008]

the menu upgrade for MK6 / R6-Gold and R6-Silver Beta 0.91 [Jan.8th 2008]

We just finish the new boot menu for MK6 / R6-Gold and R6-Silver, after you upgrade it,can make them support SDHC,and more function.
This is an universal menu, support all MK6 and R6, and it can auto detect the cart type.

How to upgrade :
[1] rename the "R6_Upgrade-0007-selfburn.nds" to "_boot_ds.nds", put it to slot-1 or slot-2 device and run it;
[2] when you see screen show "Install bootstarp" , then insert your MK6/R6 ,press A to continue;
[3] after it finish,re-power on, then you will see the new loader menu.

R6 Gold 2008 version

the R6 Gold boot menu

new R6 2008 come with one blue LED,to indicate the data accessing.

new boot menu download:,4776.0.html


Continue reading the menu upgrade for MK6 / R6-Gold and R6-Silver Beta 0.91 [Jan.8th 2008]

some nice TTDS skin released

some nice TTDS skin released



i like the NEON Mario skin too much 🙂


XtenDS 7.2 DS GAMEMAKER – Sprites, Backgrounds, Sounds, Ifs….

I understand that a long time ago, when XtenDS was first released, people discarded it as trash because of it's lack of functions and options. I agree with them now, it was overly simple, however let's forget the past and concentrate on what XtenDS 7.2 has to offer.

more info:,4774.0.html

If you don't know what XtenDS is, it is a gamemaker where you can make DS Games by just clicking to assign backgrounds, where you want sprites and more. See below.

 + Sprites – on either/both screens, any size that PALib supports, simple click to add, right click to remove, supports Magenta transparency
 + Backgrounds – on either/both screens, high 16 bit or average EasyBG mode, backgrounds too large automatically resized in either tile or stretch mode (ideal for photos, wallpapers, images from Google)
 + Sounds – 57 .raw files included, easily playable with XtenDS events system. Option to choose sound channel for sounds to be played through in preferences screen, can add own sounds easily converted with Switch/Audacity
 + Splash Screens – Set a condition (Start, stylus etc), screen – top/bottom, and image to show
 + If – Test condition using the inbuilt expression builder, easy to make conditions using drop down boxes, such as Pad.Newpress.A, also includes End If and Else functions for complex structures
 + Scripts – Easily execute scripts stored in XtenDS/Scripts folder. They will need to be in PALib C++ format, but a code editor/script manager is included with Insert Varilable tools, comment tool etc.
 + Move Sprite with D-Pad, ability to move a sprite on the screen using the D-pad with just one event added
 + More error handling and high compile-success rate with newer system
 + Emulator support – launches an emulator straight after compile with your game in it, you can configure 2 if the first falls out, e.g. exe not found
 + Ability to have the game pause when the DS lid is closed
 + Advanced Options – set Palet name, Transparent color, Background Quality, Sound channel, compile includes and more
 + System scan – finds errors with PALib/devkitpro setup, like missing environment variables, missing paths

Not only are all these changes positive, your games are strored in just 1 file (e.g. Monkeys.xds), meaning less chance for bugs, and they can be stored anywhere on your PC.

Much more is included than what I can think of right now, plus the install is less than 5 megabtes! Also, there has been a big documentation rewrite, it is now a full step-by-step tutorial from download to scripting.

Please try to forget what the Alpha was like, now we are striving for the best DS Gamemaker available!

 – Invisionsoft

motion kit driver for the Neoflash PSP motion kit

I'm here to announce the release of the first public beta of my motion kit driver for the Neoflash motion kit.

– By : Raphael

It currently only works for custom firmwares < 3.71, though a simple NID fix should make it work on 3.71 too. I didn't release that version yet because I couldn't test it, but it will be available with the final 1.0 release.

The motion kit driver allows you to make use of the motion kit in the VSH or games even though they weren't written for the motion kit. A configuration file allows you to setup the driver per homebrew/UMD game, so you don't have to use the same configuration everywhere.

Also, the driver fixes the missing sound issue with the motion kit plugged in and allows you to switch between motion kit and headphones any time without problem.

The SDK provides the source for compiling libmotion_driver that allows you to interact with the driver and poll motion kit data, as well as source for a small sample application that shows usage.

download : [RELEASE] motion kit driver and SDK – public beta