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MK5 review from ndsrlz.online.fr

I've finished my review.

It's now available at this adress :

This product is quite good. I'm waiting for the DLDI update.


This card was released some times ago under many names (DSLinker, N-Card, Express Card, DSCard 2, UltraFlashPass EX, DS Fire Link and maybe more…).
NeoFlash also release its clone product called NeoFlash MK5. The kit contains a Slot-1 card, and a Slot-2 card used for transfers. First tests give it a nice mark, now let's see if the product does it well.

First, the sample card I received from Dr. Neo @ neoflash.com (thanks by the way) has a 1 GByte internal memory.
Here are the features listed on the packaging (English errors left as it is) :
– Support clean rom, not need any patch, just need drag and drop,
– Huge memory space, from 8Gbit upto 64Gbit,
– USB 2.0 high speed data transfer,
– USB Disk function, compatible with any operation system,
– Build in the last MoonShell v1.5 and upgradable,
– Support homebrew,
– Build in SMS multi save function and auto save,
– Menu upgradable, just need drag and drop the new core to MK5,
– Multi-rom support, media play support,
– MK5 Turbo Engine, 100% full game running speed, without any delay,
– Build in PassMe function, can boot almost GBA flash cart perfectly.

Like the some other products from NeoFlash, MK5 comes in a nice little plastic package. It's also bundled with an USB cable.

In the package, you will find :
– MK5 cartridge, the Slot-1 cartridge with 1 GByte of internal memory,
– Link Cartridge, the Slot-2 cartridge used to transfer files to the internal memory. It has a USB plug to connect the DS to your PC.
– CD-Rom, that contains drivers and some homebrew games.

First launch
The MK5 is preformated and already contains some software. There are some homebrew games from a previous NeoFlash compo (a tetris clone, Aztec Challenge…) as well as some useful applications.
There's a PassMe rom that allows you to boot a Slot-2 cartridge such as a SuperCard etc. MoonShell is also present on the card. Therefore, you can play mp3s, DPG video files and view pictures on your DS.

When I received the MK5, I downloaded the latest firmware update available (v1.23a) which you can download HERE.

Now let's talk about using the linker.

First, plug the Slot-1 and Slot-2 cards in their respective slots.
Then plug the USB cable in the linker and in a PC USB port.
Finally, start your DS and the MK5, you will see a message in blue : "MOUNT FLASH DISK USB DISK PROGRAM(8G_256K)".
The font should turn to green and your PC will recognize a Universal Massive Storage Drive. Now you can copy anything to your MK5.

Transfer were tested under Windows XP and the latest Linux Ubuntu distribution and it worked perfectly.

I copied the update file to the MK5 and started it like any rom. Then I got a confirmation message, launched the update and everything went ok.

So that's all for the update. Now let's deal with running files.

Running Games
As described in the previous part, it's really easy to copy games to the MK5. Use both cartridges and a PC to transfer .nds files and relative files to your memory card.
Now start the DS, launch the MK5, and you'll be taken to the menu.
Games from every directory of the memory are listed there. They're represented by their icons in 3D. It's not really easy to choose game when you have much and the GUI isn't charming.
However, it works great and you get details of the game on the upper screen when you select it.

You can use the stylus to point icons and start games.
Loading a game usually takes 3 seconds so that's quite fast.

Homebrew work just like commercial games, now let's deal with compatibility.

The compatibility of MK5 with commercial games is great. Every game that I tested worked, including :
– Age of Empires,
– Castlevania : Portrait of Ruin, which causes problems on M3 Simply, R4DS,
– DSBrowser works together with a SuperCard SD,
– Mario Kart,
– Ultimate Spiderman, which hasn't been working on several devices …

Now concerning homebrew games, they just work fine on MK5, except the ones that uses DLDI write (DLDI library doesn't yet support writing on the MK5).
So here are some of my results :
– Aztec Challenge works,
– Drug Wars DS works,
– DSLinux fails (it needs to write a file at boot),
– MoonShell works,
– PassMe works.

MK5 has a DLDI library, but it only supports reading now, and I guess this is the only bad point of this linker.

+ Great commercial games support
+ Great homebrew support (DLDI read only)
+ Works on any OS (Windows, Linux, Mac…)
+ Works with clean dumps
+ Low cost

– DLDI write support missing
– Cannot add external memory
– Needs the DS on to copy games

To my mind, MK5 and its clones are the greatest linker released right now. It has a great support for games and is easy to use.
The price is also quite interesting. The only drawback of the product is there's no DLDI write support, but it should be corrected very soon.

MK5 review from NDSS.NL

The MK5 has been reviewed at the leading Dutch NDS Scene website here: http://www.ndss.nl/modules/articles&a=7&d=12.html

The review is made by DjoeN and was rated a 8,5 out of 10!


MK5 Review
De bespreking en het oordeel over de MK 5 (hetzelfde als de Express Card / Ultraflash flashkaart

Wat zit er in de doos:

MK5 Slot1 kaart

MK5 Slot2 USB Flasher

USB kabel

MiniCD met win98 usb drivers / Firmware / Homebrew / Reclame
De verpakking:

Zoals elk Neoflash product in hard plastic met ‘bling’ karton erin

Foto 1: De MK5 verpakking – Foto 2: Inhoud van MK5 verpakking

Na het heel makkelijk open doen van de verpakking het slot1 en slot2 kaartje uitnemen, de bijgeleverde cd is niet nodig (wel leuk om eens naar te kijken).
1. Slot1 MK5 kaartje in je DS steken
2. Slot2 MK5 kaartje  in je DS – GBA slot steken
3. Daarna de USB kabel aan je PC hangen en de mini usb stekker in je slot2 MK5
4. DS aanzetten en op het MK5 logo klikken
5. Nu zie je “Mount Flash Disk – USB Disk Program (8G_256k)”
6. Je pc herkent een nieuw usb device en even later heb je een extra verwijderbaar medium
7. Je zal zien dat er al software opstaat (homebrew, DSOrganize en Moonshell)
8. Klik je roms vast met de muis en sleep ze naar de verwijderbare media en laat los
9. Best gewoon in de root van je kaartje zwieren, als alles gedaan is zet je, je DS uit
10. Neem de slot2 MK5 uit je DS en zet je DS weer aan, even later verschijnt het MK5 menu


Foto 1: De MK5 – Foto 2: De MK5 vergeleken met de Express Card (Enige verschil is de sticker)

Het menu van de MK5 ziet er Simpel en makkelijk uit maar is niet 1 van moeders mooiste

Op het GBA scherm zie je het icoontje  van de game die je selecteerd, eronder de naam van de game zoals opgegeven in Windows, dan de grootte van de game in Mbyte en het save type. Verder toont de DS ook de datum van de laatste save die aangemaakt is (wat wel handig is). Het savetype kan je veranderen door ‘SELECT’ ingedrukt te houden en daarna op je joypad links of rechts duwen. Een ander savetype is nodig zodat de kaart weet welk type het moet gebruiken. Er komt geregeld een update uit van een lijst die je gewoon op je MK5 moet plaatsen, maar deze optie is voor nieuwere games in afwachting van een geupdate lijst. Naast dit heb je ook nog de Gamecode (niet van belang voor ons)
Het touch scherm toont 3D kubussen van de games die op je kaartje staan en kan je bedienen met de joypad of met de stylus.
MK5Pass_Me.nds is een programma dat je kan aanklikken als je een slot2 Flashkaart in je GBA slot hebt zitten om daar heen te booten.


Foto 1: Het bovenste scherm van het MK5 menu –  Foto 2: Het onderste scherm van het MK5 menu



Download play is niet getest

Homebrew is DLDI supported maar kan enkel Lezen (kan dus geen homebrew gamesaves wegschrijven)

De GBA en DS kaart voelen en zijn stevig, je merkt wel dat de MK5 slot1 een beetje bol staat, dat komt door de chip die onder het omhulsel zit (maar gelukkig niet zoals de DS-Xtreme rechtstreeks onder het etiket).

Foto 1: De MK5 kaart + de MK5 Gba kaart –  Foto 2: De MK5 kaart


Erg gemakkelijk voor de beginner en gevorderde gebruiker

Plug&Play / Drag&Drop


+ Geen extra verwijderbare media nodig
+ 1Gbyte (8Gbit) is ruim voldoende voor de meeste mensen (je kan kiezen tussen 8Gbit/16Gbit/64Gbit versies van de kaart)
+ Simpel in gebruik
+ Het flashen via GBA slot gaat verbazend makkelijk
+ Door gebruik te maken van een originele GBA grote usb kaart werkt de kit op DS en DS Lite


– Geen verwijderbare media
– Menu (GUI) kan mooier
– Geen Auto Save setting
– Niet echt zelf skinabble

De MK5 komt uit dezelfde fabriek als de Express Card / Ultraflash / DSLinker en DS Fire.
Allen maken gebruik van hetzelfde menu maar hebben custom achtergronden. De hardware is identiek. Zo zijn de Firmwares onderling uitwisselbaar (niet echt een aanrader tenzij de ene firmware van een kaart weken vroeger uit komt).
Voor mensen met een low budget die toch een goede kwalitietskaart willen is de MK5 zeker een aanrader. Idem voor de mensen die het niet erg vinden dat het geheugen niet verwisselbaar is (1Gbyte is voldoende voor de meeste mensen). De compatibiliteit is net zoals de R4/M3 Simply voor commerciëele games 100% en wat minder voor homebrew.

NDSS Oordeel:
Reageer in dit topic op deze review

Deze review is geschreven door DjoeN, moderator op NDSS.NL

DCEmu Review has now reviewed the MK5

DCEmu Review has now reviewed the MK5.


NeoFlash MK5 8Gbit GIGA Cart (1GB)
Manufacturer: NeoFlash
Site: Buy from www.IC2005.com
Price: $49.00

Overview : NeoFlash MK5 8Gbit GIGA is a slot 1 device (no passcard required). It does not use any external storage cards such as microSD. It holds up to 1GB of storage.

Features :
Support clean rom,not need any patch,just need drag and drop
Huge memory space,from 8Gbit upto 64Gbit
USB 2.0 high-speed data transfer
USB disk function, compatible with any operation system
Build in the last moonshell V1.5 and upgradable
Support homebrew
Build in SMS multi save function,and auto save
Menu upgradable,just need drag and drop the new core to MK5
Multi rom support,media play support
MK5 turbo engin, 100% full game running speed, without any delay
Build in passme function, can boot almost GBA flash cart perfectly

Quality/Usability : NeoFlash has entered the DS scene with their version of the Slot-1, MK5. Included with the package is Slot-1 MK5 8G DS Cartridge, Slot-2 GBA Linker, mini-CD and USB cable. Before you get ahead of yourself, this is not 8GB. This is 8Gbit which means 1GB of flash memory. There is also a 16Gbit as well (2GB – $59.00).

Out of the box, there were preloaded apps such as Moonshell and DSOrganize. The Slot-1 MK5 DS cartridge is the same as that of the real DS cartridge. It acts as a pass-me similar to that of the M3 Simply and R4DS. Unlike other Slot-1 cards, the MK5 uses flash memory to store all data rather than external cards such as microSD.

To transfer data, you will need to insert the MK5 GBA Linker. This is the cartridge that looks and is the same size as a GBA cartridge but has a USB port built-in. If you are to insert this into a DS Lite, the cartridge will stick out. Since the MK5 uses flash memory, the GBA Linker is used to communicate with your PC to transfer data. This does not store any data.

So how does this work? Insert your MK5 DS cartridge into Slot-1 of the DS and insert the GBA Linker into Slot-2 of the DS. Once the GBA Linker is inserted, connect the USB cable to the GBA Linker and PC. Turn on your DS and the PC will recognize the device as a removable storage. All you have to do now is just transfer your files. File transfer is pretty quick. When you have transfered all your files, turn off the DS. Since the GBA Linker only communicates with your PC, you will have to remove it. If you do not, you will not be able to access any of the MK5's feature and will be prompted with a message.

Upon turning on the DS (after you have removed the GBA Linker, you are brought to the DS menu screen. You will have to manually select the MK5. Once inside MK5, you can control the menu either with d-pad with A button to confirm or with the stylus. The menu screen itself isnt really attractive. With other Slot-1's you have some slight control over the look of the menu such as skinning. Unfortunately, you are unable to with the MK5. Although, you are able to customize Moonshell since they are based on BMP images and the fonts on MK5 via "global.ini".

The top screen shows the selected ROMs information such as ROM icon, filename, file size, last save date and page numbers (if you have more than 12 files).

The bottom screen shows the ROMs that you transfered onto the MK5. Each ROM has a 3D icon. As the current ROM is selected, the icon pulses to let you know which one is highlighted.

The MK5 worked perfectly with all the homebrew files I loaded onto the card. All homebrew booted quick and without a problem as it supported DLDI.

Booting of commercial ROMs were quick as well. The MK5 gets its save game size from a database. Luckily, the database is updated often. If for whatever reason the game save is not available, you can manually make one yourself by holding SELECT and pressing LEFT or RIGHT to select the save size. But this takes some trial and error if you dont know the size. You can see the compatibility and save game list here.

If you have a Slot-2 GBA Flash Cart, MK5 acts as a Pass-Me card which allows you to boot the GBA cart.

The MK5 also allows for future firmware upgrade. Upgrading the firmware is similar to that of loading a commercial ROM. It only takes a few seconds to upgrade the firmware.

A nice feature that NeoFlash included is the ability to format the MK5 incase it is corrupted. To format, just insert the MK5 and GBA Linker into the DS but dont insert the USB cable and dont turn on the system just yet. Hold down the L Trigger + R Trigger and the Down button then power on the DS. The MK5 logo will appear. While still holding the L Trigger + R Trigger and Down button, now press A + B button. The GBA Linker will now format the MK5. Since it is formatted, all data have been erased and you will need to transfer all data to the MK5 again.

Another unique feature that NeoFlash has released since the release of the MK5 is the ability to use the DS as a USB joypad and mouse. For more information, you can check out the official release.

Conclusion : Overall, the NeoFlash MK5 8Gbit GIGA Cart met my expectations if not more. The drawback of the MK5 is not being able to upgrade the memory since it is flash memory. But the price makes up for it considering the DS-X is 4Gbit and is twice the cost! For those first time users of Slot-1, you may not mind the menu screen but once you see or try others, you'll notice how plain the MK5 is.

MK5 review from Duo

Hello everyone, I've posted my review of the MK5 kit.

You can view it here:


March 5, 2007 – NeoFlash MK5 Review   

Wonderful New Toy
I received year MK5 NDS flash kit recently for review from Dr. Neo At www.neoflash.com. I' ve almost always had year enjoyable experiment with to their flash card products, and the MK5 is No exception. It took has me few extra days to receive the package, thanks to some address confusion, and then UPS left the package one my back door and I didn' T see it At first. Oh well. I opened up the package and found has Nice little clamshell blister pack and has bag with has USB link cable.

Inside the package there is has minis-CD with has bunch of MK related files, year 8-Gbit MK5 GIGA Slot-1 Card, and has Slot-2 Cart with has mini USB port. At first I was has bit confused have to how the hardware stored dated, thinking that the Slot-1 card was just another passme device. I was quite wrong. The Slot-1 DS Card holds has complete passme and the 8-GBit (1-GByte) gold 16-GBit of flash memory.

Features (listed from packaging)
Support Romanian clean, not need any patch, just need drag and drop
Huge memory space, from 8gbit upto 64gbit
USB 2.0 High-Speed Dated Transfer
USB Disk Function, Compatible with any Operating System
Build in the last Moonshell v1.5 and upgradable
Homebrew Support
Build In SMS Multi Save Function, and Save Car
Small Upgradable, just need Drag and Drop the new core to MK5
Romanian Multi Support, Media Play Support
MK5 Turbo Machine, 100% Full Game Running Speed, Without Any Delay
Build In Passme Function, edge boot almost GBA Flash Cart perfectly

Surely enough, these listed features are supported, although currently I edge only find 8 and 16-GBit versions and No larger. The device cam pre-loaded with MoonShell and DSOrganize, which give it great functionality right out of the box, all I had to C was Copy has few files to the device and they were ready to uses, almost.

The Slot-2 Cart with the USB port is primarily for one purpose – linking the DS to the PC to read and Write dated to the Slot-1 Card. When you plug the Slot-2 Cart in to the DS and start the DS card, you are greeted with nothing other than two lines of text one the lower screen, and has standard USB flash disk one your PC. That interfaces is quite handy. I like being whitebait to drag and drop files easily, and this card allows for it.

I tossed has few homebrew roms that I had onto the cart, along with has couple of games I cuts. The spins Copy speed was quite fast and not has burden At all, like copying files to any USB flash Memory Stick. Ounce the files were copied, I turned off the DS and removed the Slot-2 USB To adapt and turned the DS back one. Starting the DS Card, I was greeted with has finely screen that showed the DS files icons turned into moving cubic. Here is where I ran into my first problem. The control in the finely felt very slow fox trot with the D-pad. Ounce I switched to using the stylus one the screen to move and select files, the control felt better.

Surprisingly enough, this wonderful cart played everything I threw At it, which was wonderful. There were No compatability resulting with games, and homebrew roms worked except for has small few. The latest MK5 firmware supports DLDI homebrew roms, which is has filesystem interface for multiple flash cards while keeping the programming interface the same for coders. Tools for converting video files for playback in Moonshell were included and I converted has few things to test the playback. Music Videos looked fairly good and sounded decent.

There is anotheruse for the USB link cart that goes into slot-2. While the cart is not needed to operate the hand Slot-1 card, you edge could it in and uses it have has USB Port for the DS for your own homebrew programs! Included with the package CD are tools and examples to uses it have has PC USB mouse gold joypad! That is definately has cool feature.

The MK5 flash kit is really good for the money. At $49.99 it is has great been worth, have it is year entire 1GB worth of storage space for homebrew and games. Everything ran well one it and there were No delays gold exits while playing games. This cart is definately well worth the asking price. There is No support for GBA roms, goal thats really not has problem, I already cuts half has dozen slot-2 carts for that purpose that work well. Games and programs start up within has few seconds of choosing them.

 Posted by Duo 

MK5 review from vr32.de

I received my unit today, here's the review:

Again thank you very much for the unit, Dr. Neo! When the NEO 64 gets finished, I'd LOVE to write a review of it for 64DD.net. Wink

MK5 Giga Review
Posted by KR155E on 2007/3/5 23:39:41 
I have received a MK5 Giga 8Gb, the lastest Nintendo DS flash cart from NeoFlash, maker of a lot of backup units for many systems, and want to share my review of it with you guys.
The MK5 Giga is a Slot 1 Nintendo DS backup device with 8Gb (= 1 Gigabyte) of onboard Flash memory, there's also a 16Gb (= 2 Gigabyte) version available.


* Supports clean ROMs, no need for patching, just drag and drop
* Build in 8Gbit or 16Gbit memory
* USB 2.0 high-speed data transfer
* USB disk function, compatible with any operation system
* Built in Moonshell v1.5, upgradable
* Supports homebrew
* Built in SMS multi save function, and auto save
* Menu upgradeable, just drag and drop the new core to MK5
* Multi ROM support, media play support
* MK5 turbo engine, 100% full game running speed, without any delay
* Built in PassMe function, can boot most GBA flash cart perfectly


MK5 Giga comes with the cart itself, a GBA cart with an USB interface to connect to the PC, an USB cable and a 8cm CD-R with docs and more in a shiny, colorful plastic packaging. It fits perfectly into Slot 1, the Slot 2 USB connector sticks out a bit since it is the size of a standard GBA cartridge. That doesn't really matter, though, since you need that only to connect your MK5 to your PC.


The MK5 Giga is ready for action once you take it out of the box, it has several games and programs on it by default. If you want to put your own Roms on it, just put the 8Gb cart in Slot 1, the USB interface cart ind Slot 2, then connect it to a free USB port on your Computer. Now turn on your DS and start the MK5 Giga. If you have Windows XP, it should now see it as an external drive, for other OS, there are drivers on the CD-R. Now just copy and paste your Roms over to the cart and you're ready to go. I was able to fit a whopping TWENTY random games on the cart, if you got the 16Gb version, you even have twice that much space.



Every game I tested worked like a charm. I can't test the other 850+ Roms as well, but it is said that EVERY Rom released so far works on the MK5 Giga!

The unit can't detect the savetypes of Roms and gets its information from a databse saved on the cart. Since not all games are in there yet, you sometimes have to test all different settings (you can change save types by holding select and pressing left or right) until saving works. A bit annoying, but you can always get the latest savelib here, where you can also find a compatability chart.

When you boot up your cart, you're going to the cart menu after a short loading pause, where you can select between 3D blocks, which represent the games on your cart, while you can see additional info aboout the highlighted game on the top screen. It's not beautiful, but it does the job.

If you have a Slot 2 (GBA) flash cart as well, the MK5 Giga can also act as a Passme device to boot those. All you have to do is run the Passme image from the MK5's main menu.


The MK5 Giga is a very good choice if you don't want to play GBA games, and don't need rumble or extra RAM which for exaple the EZ Flash Triple pak offers. Compared to other units it is very cheap with around 60 EUR for the 16Gb version, which it is definitely worth.

+ Very high compatability
+ Easy usage
+ Pretty cheap compared to other units
– No GBA support

For more info on the MK5 Giga and other NeoFlash products, visit their website:

the MK5 review from emuboards.com

You can find my review of the MK-5 on Emuboards at http://www.emuboards.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=28259

MK5 Giga Review

The MK5 Giga (MK5 from now on) is the latest in the long line of flashcards by Neoflash. It features:
* Support clean ROMs, no need for patching, just need drag and drop
* Huge memory space, from 8Gbit up to 64Gbit
* USB 2.0 high-speed data transfer
* USB disk function, compatible with any operation system
* Built in Moonshell v1.5 and is upgradable
* Supports homebrew
* Built in SMS multi save function, and auto save
* Menu upgradable, just need drag and drop the new core to MK5
* Multi ROM support, media play support
* MK5 turbo engine, 100% full game running speed, without any delay
* Built in PassMe function, can boot most GBA flash cart perfectly

What’s in the box?

The MK5 comes in a plastic container which can be reused if needed. Inside are the two devices; the MK5 Giga Slot 1 flash cartridge and the MK5 USB Slot 2 cartridge. There is also a USB cable for connecting your PC to the Slot 2 USB cartridge and a CD containing some software.

The MK5 Giga

I am reviewing the MK5 8Gbit Giga, this translated to PC size is 1GB, a second larger size is also available with 16Gbit (2GB PC size) of storage which costs a little extra.

The build quality of both the Slot 1 and Slot 2 cartridges are both good, in particular the build quality of the Slot 1 cartridge has improved over the previous MK-4 device which looked and felt a bit cheap. This cartridge looks and feels like an official DS cart and is identical in design.


The Slot 2 cartridge is GBA size so it will stick out on a DS Lite, as you will see further on in the review you only need it when you are transferring files and it can be removed any other time. Like the Slot 1 cart the build quality is good and the mini USB socket at the top of the cartridge is properly placed and looks good.

Setting up the MK5 Giga

The MK5 is a bit different to the recent Slot 1 based flashcards, the majority now uses some kind of removable media such as Micro-SD and the DS-Xtreme uses built in flash memory which is exactly what the MK5 uses. The difference is that the MK5 doesn’t access the Slot 1 cart via a built in USB port but it instead uses the Slot 2 cartridge to act as a linker between the DS and your PC.

Basically what you do is insert both the Slot 1 and Slot 2 cartridges into your DS and then connect the USB cable to the Slot 2 cart and your PC USB port. When first switched on your PC should recognise the MK5 as removable media. You can now transfer files to and from the MK5 as you normally would with removable media. No PC side software such as a ROM patcher is required so the MK5 can be used on any operating system that supports removable media.

Once you have finished transferring files to the MK5 you can switch off your DS. Before switching it on again you need to remove the Slot 2 cart otherwise you will be started in the above file transfer mode, even if there is no USB cable connected. I found this quite annoying that you have to insert and remove the Slot 2 cartridge every time you want to transfer a file, it would have been a very useful idea to have a menu option to choose to initiate the file transfer mode or not. This way you can keep the Slot 2 cart inserted at all times if needed.

A tour of the MK5 menu

Upon switching on the DS with the Slot 1 cart inserted (don’t forget to remove the Slot 2 cart) the menu software will proceed to load. The FAT (filesystem) initialisation process takes around five seconds, once completed the menu is displayed. On the top DS screen the currently selected ROM information is shown, from top to bottom; the ROM icon, the ROM filename, its file size, its save type, last save date, its cartridge code and finally the page number you are currently on.

The bottom DS screen shows the ROMs found on the cartridge, each ROM is shown as a 3D box using the ROM icon as the texture. Twelve boxes are displayed on each Page and they all rotate, the current selected ROM box pulses in and out.

Navigation can be performed with both the DS D-Pad+buttons and/or stylus, the D-Pad is used to move between each box, you then press the A button or touch the screen to load the selected ROM. To move to the next or previous page if you have more than twelve ROMS you need to press the Left or Right shoulder buttons, strangely despite icons to indicate moving page at the top and bottom of the screen you can’t touch them with the stylus. And last but not least is Select+Left or Right D-Pad which changes the save type for the currently selected ROM, more information on this further on in the review.

Once you have chosen a ROM to load, the game boots almost instantly providing you haven’t changed to another ROM. If you have changed ROM, the software will write a save file in .SAV format so it is backed up to be reused, if a SAV file is found for the new ROM it will automatically be loaded into the save memory. There is a configurable setting in the .ini file to force a Save backup each time the MK5 is booted but this will add an extra second or two to the boot time.

The design of the menu is pretty bland, the majority of Slot 1 carts now have some form of customisable skins and features but the MK5 only allows you to customise the text colour. While it is not a necessity it would have been nice to see the menu put to better use with some features found in other carts such as custom skins, an improved layout with some more features or quick boot option or icons for your favourite software. Overall the software is very easy to use and for someone new to flashcards they should be able to use this without need of the manual.


ROM Compatibility
I have tested a handful of games which comprise of some random games, games known to have problems on various flashcards and finally some games that were released after the latest firmware version to check how good the compatibility is.

Before I list the test results, now is a good time to explain the save type select feature I briefly mentioned earlier. The MK5 differs from other flashcards by having a database of each ROM release and it’s save type, when a ROM is scanned it checks the database for its respective entry and sets the save type automatically. If the ROM is not found you will need to manually set this by pressing Select+Left or Right on the D-Pad to change the selected ROM save type, this setting is then saved for future use.

This seems to have its advantages and disadvantages in that until a new database is released you will have to make settings as described above for new ROMs when they are released, but it does have the advantage that new ROMs that may not work with the usual automatic patching found in other flashcards but you could do so with the manual settings that the MK5 features. This became apparent in my tests when Diddy Kong Racing for example was unrecognised (released after the latest database update at the time) and I had to manually set the save type, I read with one or two other popular flashcards that it did not work.

42 All Time Classics – Works
Advance War s – Works
Animal Crossing – Works
Big Brain Academy – Works
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin – Works
Diddy Kong Racing – Works
Elite Beat Agents – Works
Final Fantasy III – Works
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 – Works
Lunar Knights – Works
Magnetica – Works
Mario Kart DS – Works
New Zealand Story – Works
Super Mario 64 DS- Works
Tetris DS – Test
Ultimate Spiderman – Works
Underground Pool – Works

The makers claim 100% compatibility and posted a full list of commercial ROMs which all apparently tested as working. While it’s impractical to test every game, I couldn’t find or read about any that didn’t work including ROMs that were released after the firmware had been updated.

Homebrew Compatibility
Initially the MK5 didn’t support DLDI, this is a file system that aims to work on as many flashcarts as possible and gives developers an all in one library to access the flashcart storage. Since starting this review, the resources needed to make it compatible have been released and the MK5 now supports DLDI.
Other homebrew that doesn’t use DLDI seems to work fine. I tried the Drunken Coders Christmas Competition results and out of the 18 entries, 16 of them worked. As a comparison the Micro NinjaDS run all 18.

Firmware upgrading
Firmware upgrading is performed by running an update ROM which is loaded the same way you would with any other ROM. A confirmation screen is displayed and once accepted, the process takes approximately five seconds showing its status of the update along the way. I did not experience any other problems doing this. Incidentally you can use the DSLinker firmware which the MK5 Giga is based on.

Other features
There are a couple of extras to be found in the MK5, Moonshell is pre-installed on the cartridge and is ready to use straight away. Since its release there are two new programs which allow you to use the DS as a Joypad and Mouse on your PC. This is done by connecting the USB cable as you would when transfering files and then running the respective ROMs. Your PC will then recognise your DS as a Joypad or Mouse and you can control your PC with it.


I found the MK5 to be much better than what I was expecting, the claims of 100% compatibility seemed far fetched and I was expecting to find at least some games that do not work but I couldn’t. Homebrew support is great as it supports DLDI and runs other homebrew that doesn’t require access to the FAT. One concern I have is that Neoflash do not give the necessary support with firmware updates when needed, the support for their MK-4 was very poor so be aware of this.

The price of the MK5 is very competitive; at just $49.99 for the 8Gbit and $59.99 for the 16Gbit compared to $100 for the 4Gbit DS-Xtreme you are getting double the storage space for half the price. Even compared to SD based Slot 1 Cards once you take into consideration buying a 1GB SD card the price is around the same as the MK5 if not slightly more expensive. Full marks and more for the MK5 here as its excellent value for money.

Apart from my gripes with the menu I can’t really find any major faults with the MK5, it’s got good build quality, very easy to use, excellent compatibility and the price is excellent. I would recommend one if you want something different to a SD based cart such as the NinjaDS or M3 Simply.

Final Score: 9 out of 10

Additional Links:
Homepage: http://www.neoflash.com/
Stores selling the MK5 Giga: http://www.ic2005.com/
DLDI Homepage – http://chishm.drunkencoders.com/DLDI/index.html

This review may not be copied and pasted elsewhere without prior permission, please link to this review instead.

MK5 REVIEW from palib.info

original link: http://palib.info/forum/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=2425&post_id=15254#forumpost15254

I just recieved an MK5 8Gb (1GB) for test purpose from the Neoflash team, so I'll try to do something complete…

A little history…
We all know Neoflash for 2 reasons :
1. They got the 'first DS linker' released, sold as is (though you could argue that a gba linker + passme was pretty much the same solution…).
2. They organize great dev compos

I had tested the first Neoflash and the MK2/3, then skipped a generation and am back for this one  I was quite surprised when I recieved the package, as it was pretty much wrapped in a newspaper  But once unwrapped, it was in a nice packaging, the kind you would find in any store. Fisrt thing I noticed : it still has a GBA cart ! Now this is an odd choice, as most current linkers are Slot1-only… The GBA cart has the old GBA format, so if you have a DS-lite it'll stick out… But I have a DS-Fat, so that's ok.

Discovering the MK5…

When opening the package, I discovered a mini-CD hidden inside, nice little surprise  Put it in the PC : Neo Driver 2007, with all drivers for all Neoflash products (even the PC-E Flash Cart, etc…).

Ok, time to plug in the MK5 to see what I get  It felt kind of weird to put the USB in the GBA cart instead of the DS one (like the DS-X), and nothing happened  Ok, I probably missed something, so I turn on the DS, and at that moment the PC recognized it. The MK5 is then recognized as any USB device, so I can see it already contains a few games (AztecChallenge, Cutrix, GameBoxDS, DSOrganze, Moonshell).

I'll do a quick test to see how long it takes to add files… Went to the Neo Coding Compo, took one of them (Dance n Shoot), which was 1.5MB… Copied it to the opened USB window, and I thought it would take some time… and no, it took less than 2 seconds ! So I guess even if you had some 32MB or more 'videos' to flash, it should be too long . Ok, let's see how to get it running now

Unplugged the USB, the DS screen stayed to the text screen as when it was plugged in :/ Ok, little DS reset . In the DS menu, it's recognized like a normal game. Still telling 'Mount Flash Disk' :/ Odd…
Ok, I looked at the doc, guess I'll go for a format  The system is pretty secure, as it requires to hold down L+R+Down before turning on, keeping it pressed and loading the MK5 with A+B (5 keys in total). It seems pretty unlikely that you do that by error  Showed that the disk was formated, 8G version, I'll plug that in again… Now the folder is empty, I'll copy the contents of the MK5 driver folder. The text is flashing red/black/green while the files are copying, just taking a few seconds . Ok, now it's green, I'll try again

Using as a Slot1 Linker

Ok, never mind, I was stupid… That's what you get when you don't read the instructions… Actually, you have to remove the GBA cart when you want to use the MK5  Ok, the menu is here ! It's pretty fast, and I see all the apps set up in 3D boxes. I had seen screenshots of it before, and I'll admit I don't really like it  Some do, though, so I guess I can't blame them too much for that. Speed-wise, the menu boots up MUCH faster than the DS-X menu, which seems to take forever… That's a good thing if you use the MK5 for development, you won't need to wait ages before seeingif your code changes work…

Loading a game takes less than a second. Tested quite a few homebrews, all of them worked perfectly.

Ok, off I am to fatlib testing and rom testing (for test purpose…). Plugged the USB in the GBA cart, still not showing, so you really need to have the DS on  Put the gba cart in the DS while playing a homebrew, it reset the DS (too bad . Takes around 1 minute, 1.5 minute for 84MB, seems pretty fair to me 

Loading an official game (EVIL !) takes less than a second (to format the save). Game works perfectly, at full speed. Actually, I'd say at first view that loading times are a bit shorter than with the DS-X. Saves are automatic, but for some games the MK5 can't recognize the correct save format. In this case, don't worry, you can switch save type by pressing Select

As for fatlib stuff, the homebrew I tested didn't work out of the box, it required DLDI patching, which isn't exactly a problem  It read all the files correctly, didn't get to test writing though, sorry :/ (I read they can't save yet though !)

Last thing, it can be used as a plain passme (there's a passme rom with it, just click on it from the menu to activate passme mode). This won't boot gba games, but should work for booting DS games from any GBA flashcart (not only neoflash ones…). Not sure it's really usefull when you already have 1GB to play with already, but if you had a gba cart with SD cards, for example, that could extend the memory even more…


Ok, so what's the conclusion after all these tests ?

Pros :
– 8Gb (1GB) is pretty cool, (as opposed to the 512MB = 4Gb of the DS-X), and should allow you to use tons of homebrews freely
– I saw the price over at http://www.ic2005.com/ : 50 dollars ! That's really cheap, I expected it to cost about twice as much considering the memory size…
– Very fast menu boot-up, recognized as normal DS game
– Very fast homebrew/roms loading, always good to take
– DLDI drivers available (for reading :/)
– Plug N Play/Drag and Drop, takes cleans roms, only DLDI needs patching Wink
– DS cart size, so you don't have anything sticking out of your DS
– Saves work almost perfeclty, and if not you can manually select the save type

Cons :
– You can't use the linker while it's plugged in the USB, and putting in the GBA cart will reset the DS…
– No DLDI drivers for writing !
– I personnally hated the 3D menu, I found it pretty hard to recognize the logos in it, even though some people do like it… But please note that's a small con, as the menu is really fast and functionnal besides that
– No GBA game support, but that's the same as for all other slot 1 flash carts… So it's a minor con Wink
– As opposed to the DS-X, you probably won't be using this one as a USB key… Because having the DS out when using it will be a bit painfull

Notes :
Kind of weird to have the GBA for USB flashing purpose, but in the end it wasn't a problem AT ALL. Just surprising…
As for the fact that there's no SD/miniSD/microSD/whatever needed, I wasn't sure if it should be a pro or a con… 1GB should be way enough for common use, even if you go on vacation a few months  And that way you won't need to have a SD/etc… card to use in the linker.

My final feeling is that this linker is nearly perfect, because the Pros are important while the cons (besides the DLDI driver not supporting writing…) are pretty minor issues… Plus, the DLDI will probably get updated to support writing, so that won't be a problem in the future (I hope !), and I suppose they'll eventually release a non-3D menu
I didn't expect too much from the linker at first, seeing how my neoflash and MK2/3 don't always work as expected, but this linker was far beyond my expectations, and the GBA cart flashing choice doesn't feel bad after you tested it.

So, final thought : GREAT JOB Neoflash !

Special thanks to Dr Neo for the sample, keep up the great work

the MK5 review collection

the MK5 review collection

more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3796.0.html

and here is the review collection too

when you finish your review,please post to here too,i'll collect it.


the review list:

#1 — Official ISO-420 Certified Review of the MK5 GIGA

#2 — portabledev.com
http://www.portabledev.com/pages/tests/kit-mk5-8gbits.php (in French)

#3 — xavboxds.com

#4 — palib.info

#4 — emuboards.com

#5 — vr32.de

#6 — duo.gbadev.org

#7 — DCEmu Review

#8 — ndss.nl

#9 —  ds-scene.net

#10 —  ndsrlz.online.fr

#11 — playeradvance.org

#12 — nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk

#13 — nds-linkcard.fr-bb.com

#14 — gbx.ru

#15 — dark_vador

more review is coming…


the source code for MK5 passme

I just knew about the passme function of mk5 and I was trying to get

supercard sd with the mk5, but it does lead me to the game selection

menu in supercard, but when I try to execute any games, it freezes and

only white screen come out.

This is really making me crazy since there is game saves in the supercard

and I cant play it. Any solution?Huh? Cry


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It's not a 100% fix, but you can give this a try in the meantime…

I made a passme homebrew that should work OK with supercard. Let me know if there are problems (PM) and I will re-test it. It definitely does not work right with M3 products, but works well with flashcarts and is the reset routine I used when I was trying stuff with a custom firmware and supercard SD.

Just run the .nds from this (don't worry about the source code and stuff):

I bought my MK5. I have Win 98. My system don’t recognize MK5. Do you have any drivers to Win 98?

I bought my MK5. I have Win 98. My system don't recognize MK5. Do you have any drivers to Win 98?

 — MK5 can't use on win98, but can run with vista.

more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4186.0.html

the MK5 DLDI & MK5 USB PAD / MK5 USB Mouse source code release!

the MK5 DLDI & MK5 USB PAD / MK5 USB Mouse source code release!

more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3758.0.html

for the DLDI : i though you should know what's it?

for MK5 USB PAD: you can use your MK5 as one PC 12 key joypad,then you can use the NDS to control your PC game!

how to use:
[1] don't plug in the mk5 USB cart,and turn on your NDS;
[2] when you can see the MK5 logo in the nds menu,plug in the MK5 USB cart,then enter the MK5;
[3] run the compiled MK5 USB PAD file,then your PC will detect one USB PAD,plug and play!
[4] now you can enjoy it.  sm-24

for MK5 USB Mouse: just same operation with the MK5 PAD.

DLDI — http://www.neoflash.com/download/MK5_NAND_card_fat_source_v1.rar

PAD and mouse — http://www.neoflash.com/download/MK5_USB-PAD&USB-MOUSE_usbplugin_source_v1.rar

Is it possible to use the latest moonshell aviliable (1.71) ?

Is it possible to use the latest moonshell aviliable (1.71) and if so which cart do I pick for setup?

— Add the two files in the zipped DLDI directory of the attachment to moonshell's DLDI directory and choose "NRIO NAND FLASH CART LIBFATNRIO" as the setup device. This is the read only version, so you will have to customize your settings before running moonshell by editing it's config files.


download : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3910.0.html

MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.23O – stable

MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.23O  [04-29-2007]

more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4209.0.html 


* Change the SMS working way:
  [1] if set the "FORCEBACKUP"=1 in \Dsystem\global.ini , then:
      (a) Will force backup the current game data to #1 memory slot;
      (b) Don't notice to backup the current save, show the SMS menu directly;
      (c) You can press START to call the SMS screen when you in the menu.
  [2] if set the "FORCEBACKUP"=0 in \Dsystem\global.ini , then:
      (a) Don't auto backup current save when turn on nds;
      (b) Will let you select backup the current game save to which memory slot when you start to run a rom;
      (c) You can press START to call the SMS screen when you in the menu.
* The game save type database update to #1023.

download : http://www.neoflash.com/driver/mk5_1.23O_upgrade.rar


MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.23N+  [04-10-2007]


* Support 4 different language:
   CHS   –   Chinese (simplified) version
   CHT   –   Chinese (traditional) version
   ENG   –   English version
   JAP   –   Japanese version
   you can choose which MK5 version you like, just run this upgrade ROM then can change to the different language;
* Allow keep all save files to one same sub-folder;
*   Support SMS multi-save system, when you start to run this rom,you can choose which save file you want to restore and start for current game;
*   You can specify your own skin now,just need to put the *.BMP to your MK5 "dsystem\skin" folder,
   c_file.bmp — it's upside background picture,BMP format,256pix X 192pix , 24bit color
  desktop.bmp — it's downside background picture,BMP format,256pix X 192pix , 24bit color
  save_bg.bmp — it's the SMS background picture,BMP format,256pix X 192pix , 24bit color
  MK5 will show the default skin if the "dsystem\skin" folder is empty;
* Add one "passme2" mode,when the NDS turn on or in the MK5 menu, you can press the L+R+A+B 4 keys to enter MK5 passme2 mode , it'll boot GBA slot immediately;
* Add one traditional 2D display mode,you can change 2D or 3D style in the "global.ini" file;
* Add one MK5 USB linker boot loader,you can choose to enter the "Media Center" mode (MK5 mode) or the "Data Exchange" mode (PC mode) when you inset the MK5 GBA linker and turn on NDS.
* Fixed one data transfer CRC error;
* Add the folder auto create function,not need to create the folder which have defined in "global.ini" by manual;
* Add the force backup function in MK5 menu,when you select one rom and press "START" will force to backup current rom save;
* Fixed one reading error with global.ini file;
* the game save type database update to #987.

MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.23A+  [02-23-2007]

* the save data upgrade to #947, game compatibility = 100%!
* change the MK5 skin, more colorful
* moonshell upgrade to V1.71, movie play speed up! And support TTA/AAC/OGG !
* dpgtools upgrade to V1.3 , more stable

more info check here: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/board,78.0.html
download: http://www.neoflash.com/download/mk5_1.23A_plus_upgrade.rar

how to upgrade: (without format)
[1] link your MK5 to pc through the MK5 USB linker;
[2] unzip this rar pack,and enter the "Driver" folder ,copy all files to your MK5 and overwrite the old files,and stop the MK5 removeable disk when it's done;
[3] remove the MK5 USB linker,turn on nds and enter the menu,click and run "mk5_update_fat_new_V1.23A+.nds"
[4] turn off nds,now upgrade finish,enjoy it!

how to upgrade: (with format)
[1] If your MK5 can't enter the menu to upgrade,you can try to format it on NDS (warnning: this upgrade will format MK5 and all old data will be destory!), please follow me:
    <a> plug in the USB cart to GBA slot and link to PC,and plug in the MK5 to NDS slot;
    <b> hold the "L" + "R" + "DOWN" and turn on NDS till you see the mk5 logo appear (don't release these 3 keys), and press "A"+"B" (now 5 keys were hold) ,then you can see USB cart start to formatting MK5. When if finish(around 5 seconds),you can see "USB DISK PROGRAM(8G/16G_256K)" appear on the NDS screen, PC will appear one USB DISK too;
[2] Now you can follow the "how to upgrade: (without format)" to upgrade MK5 again.


MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.23A  [17-02-2007]

* support the DLDI,and open the DLDI source code
* support CRC write checksum,read/write is more safety
* fix few roms running bug
* moonshell play movie more smooth now,and upgrade to V1.5
* support MK5 joypad and MK5 mouse,and open the source code
* dpgtools upgrade to v1.21 ,support more video format


Russia shop : http://www.neoflash.ru/catalog/list.php


 MK5 16G [NDS3502] MK5 16G [NDS3502]

Есть на складе
 MK5 8G [NDS3501] MK5 8G [NDS3501]

С помощью этой флешки вы сможете использовать DS как полноценный медиаплеер, на котором поместится 4 часа видео или 10 часов музыки.

Есть на складе


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MK5 update to: 1138 – Suujin Taisen (JP)(ind)

the latest MK5 save database file — savetype.sdb >>> Click here download
For more info and discussion please see the forum topic here.

database maintained by cory1492

Compatibility List (offline list numbering)

#1 – 250

#251 – 500

#501 – 750

#751 – 1000

#1001 – current  

All games listed in the compatiblity list are in the MK5 save database file, ones which have nothing in the first column are untested. 

we will release the MK6 motion code soon

we will release the MK6 motion code soon

now i think ndslib should support MK6 motion already,but anyway we will release the complete code too.

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 - : MagicKey 2 for NeoFlash, SD/MMC MagicKey 2 for NeoFlash, SD/MMC (NeoFlash)


Accessory for NeoFlash. This is more advanced version of MagicKey with on-board memory SD+MMC memory expansion slots.
 - : MagicKey 3 2006, SD/MMC, 2/16/512M + NeoKey + USB SlimLoader IV MagicKey 3 2006, SD/MMC, 2/16/512M + NeoKey + USB SlimLoader IV (NeoFlash)


Neo MagicKey 3 2006 kit includes a lot. It doesnt require additional GBA flashcart to play games!

 - : MagicKey 3 2006, SD/MMC, 2/16/512M + NeoKey + USB SlimLoader IV + 1G SD (128Mbyte) MagicKey 3 2006, SD/MMC, 2/16/512M + NeoKey + USB SlimLoader IV + 1G SD (128Mbyte) (NeoFlash)


Neo MagicKey 3 2006 kit includes a lot. It doesnt require additional GBA flashcart to play games!

 - : MagicKey 3 for NeoFlash, SD/MMC, 64M ZIP, 256M MagicKey 3 for NeoFlash, SD/MMC, 64M ZIP, 256M (NeoFlash)


Accessory for NeoFlash. This is more advanced version of MagicKey with on-board memory and SD+MMC memory expansion slots.

 - : MagicKey 3 for NeoFlash, SD/MMC, 64M ZIP, 512M MagicKey 3 for NeoFlash, SD/MMC, 64M ZIP, 512M (NeoFlash)


Accessory for NeoFlash. This is more advanced version of MagicKey with on-board memory and SD+MMC memory expansion slots.

 - : Neo MagicKey 4 Mini for NDS/NDS Lite Neo MagicKey 4 Mini for NDS/NDS Lite (NeoFlash)


It is an universal Passme 3 device. It can be used in combination with a separate MK2/MK3 or any other flash carts.

 - : Neo-MAX 512M / 128M Zip + MK3 - flash kit for NDS/GBA/GBA SP/M, USB Neo-MAX 512M / 128M Zip + MK3 – flash kit for NDS/GBA/GBA SP/M, USB (NeoFlash)


Neo-MAX is brand new flash linker developed speciallay for NDS. The package includes MagicKey 3 and a lot more… (no SD memory card)

 - : Neo-MAX MK3 512M / 128M Zip + MK3 + 1024M SD - flash kit for NDS/GBA/GBA SP/M, USB Neo-MAX MK3 512M / 128M Zip + MK3 + 1024M SD – flash kit for NDS/GBA/GBA SP/M, USB (NeoFlash)


Neo-MAX is brand new flash linker developed speciallay for NDS. The package includes MagicKey 3 and a lot more… (no SD memory card)

 - : NeoFlash 1G - flash linker for NDS/GBA/GBA SP, USB (inc. MK) NeoFlash 1G – flash linker for NDS/GBA/GBA SP, USB (inc. MK) (NeoFlash)


NeoFlash was the first NDS flash linker making it possible to play NDS games and develop NDS software.

 - : NeoFlash 1G - flash linker for NDS/GBA/GBA SP, USB (w/o MK) NeoFlash 1G – flash linker for NDS/GBA/GBA SP, USB (w/o MK) (NeoFlash)


This package offers NeoFlash 1G and SlimLoader, but no MagicKey.

 - : NeoFlash MK5 Giga 16G flash kit (2Gbyte) for NDS/NDS Lite NeoFlash MK5 Giga 16G flash kit (2Gbyte) for NDS/NDS Lite (NeoFlash)


Slot 1 backup unit. Simple to use, offers one of the best game compatibility and huge, integrated memory.

 - : PSP Mini-MS converter 2-in-1, CF/MS,  including 4Gbyte Microdrive PSP Mini-MS converter 2-in-1, CF/MS, including 4Gbyte Microdrive (NeoFlash)


A perfect add-on to PSP. Compatible with MS, CF card, Microdrive and Micro HD.






日本 NeoFlash Japan






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Product ID: NN-072

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Our price: $59.00
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NEO FC X2 8Bit/16Bit console
Product ID: NF-082

NEO FC X2 8Bit/16Bit console

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Our price: $59.00
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NEO MK5-key
Product ID: NM-70

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MK6-Motion + NEO3
Product ID: NM-068

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Market price: $99.00
Our price: $59.00
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Product ID: NF-66_Slim

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Market price: $99.00
Our price: $59.00
(EUR 43.55), save 40%

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NEO TF USB Pen Driver
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Our price: $29.00
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MK5 GIGA cart 8G with BIG USB Linker
Product ID: NF-065_BIG

MK5 GIGA cart  8G with BIG USB Linker

See details

Our price: $49.00
(EUR 36.17)

NEO Flash cart 1G for GBA/SP/NDS
Product ID: NF-002

NEO Flash cart 1G for GBA/SP/NDS

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Market price: $150.00
Our price: $59.00
(EUR 43.55), save 61%

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NEO Power PC-Engin 64M flash cart
Product ID: NP-040

NEO Power PC-Engin 64M flash cart

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Market price: $169.00
Our price: $109.00
(EUR 80.46), save 36%

NEO MD flash cart lite version
Product ID: NM-067

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See details

Market price: $99.00
Our price: $49.00
(EUR 36.17), save 51%

NEO 8in1 PSP pad – Full support SD/MMC/CF/MicroDrive
Product ID: NP-035

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Product ID: NP-044

Neo 4in1 Mini PSP convertor with 4GB HD

See details

Market price: $199.00
Our price: $139.00
(EUR 102.60), save 30%

NEO3-TF NDS Cart for nds-lite only
Product ID: NF-061

NEO3-TF NDS Cart for nds-lite only

See details

Market price: $79.00
Our price: $49.00
(EUR 36.17), save 38%

NEO2-SD Flash Cart
Product ID: NF-055

NEO2-SD Flash Cart

See details

Market price: $100.00
Our price: $69.00
(EUR 50.93), save 31%

XBOX360 Mini 4GB harddisk
Product ID: NX-048

 XBOX360 Mini 4GB harddisk

See details

Market price: $139.00
Our price: $79.00
(EUR 58.31), save 43%

MK5 USB Linker
Product ID: MU-071

MK5 USB Linker

See details

Market price: $49.00
Our price: $29.00
(EUR 21.41), save 41%

NEO Power Kit Source Code V0.9

  NEO Power Kit Source Code V0.9 for NEOFLASH cart   Download now

MK2 & MK3 DLDI source code

NEO Flash MK2 & MK3 (SD Card)

From DLDIWiki

DLDI file Source Author Last update Read Write
nmmc.dldi nmmc.zip NEO Flash Team 2006-12-25 Works Works