March 2025
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IC2005 Smart Shop

Original N64 cartidge Save Ram backup/restore tool for N64 MYTH

Quoting sanni’s original post:

Anyway here is what I have been working on for the last 24hrs

It lets you copy cartridge savegames from the SD card to the game cartridge and also the other way around.

The only supported flashram games right now are:– Jet Force Gemini (Flashram Type […]

The SMS4 & MD & N64 & SNES & PC-E Myth flash cart_ Pro programmer V1.30 [Jan.15]

The SMS4 & MD & N64 & SNES & PC-E Myth flash cart_ Pro programmer V1.30 [Jan.15 2012] History:* Fixed the 128M PC-E cart format issue, and add one “128M format” option also* Supported the PC-E 20M Street Fighter game* Updated some myth menu* Revised the N64 default menu path


Click here for more […]

N64 Myth flashcart CPLD core upgrade pack v6.0+

A new CPLD upgrade pack for the N64 Myth flashcart has been released!


[1] nothing change,just re-compile the CPLD core,because the previous V6 core have something wrong with the save part when we compile it

You can read up more info by clicking here


A brand new version of the SNES MYTH MENU has been released which includes 2 major updates : Original cart rom & sram dumping directly to the SD card by just plugging your cart into the back of the SNES Myth!

Full release changelog

Cart dumping support. You can dump the contents of the bootcart […]


v0.56 of the SNES menu has been released!A youtube video showing some of the improvements: in this version:

Faster SD loading (at least if your core FW is 2.4 or later). The transfer speed has been increased about 15-20% (I get around 160-170 kB/s with my SanDisk cards). Added support for 48 Mbit ExHiROM […]

Sega Master System Myth SD Menu 1.10


New menu for the MKIII/SMS Myth flash cart. Supports running games from SD card on Neo2-SD and Neo2-Pro carts. Also supports running SG-1000 games and playing PSG-only VGM music files.

Use the Neo2 Pro Manager client for the PC to format a Neo2-SD or Neo2-Pro cart – select MD format and change the menu file […]

Neo Myth SD Bundles for SNES/MD/N64 Flashcarts!

#1 N64 myth cart + 1024M Neo2 Pro SD flash cart 2011 bundle kit, same price but with more features

N64 myth cart + 1024M Neo2 Pro SD flash cart 2011 bundle kit, same price but more valuable!

The NEO N64 Myth cart SPEC v3:* Support the N64 rom size up to 512M, and […]

The NEO 3DS&NDS SMS2/SMS4 Backup Master V1.26 has been released!

The new version of NEO 3DS&NDS SMS2/SMS4 Backup Master V1.26 released

History:* Fixed one file name bugplease test and report to us     

Click here to read the original post

N64 Myth menu 2.4b1 – Now with the ability to backup/restore original cart saves & NES rom support

Okay, I've bumped the current menu to v2.4b1. If you missed it, v2.3 added the save manager for saving save memory and save/restore of MemPak save memory. New to this version is running NES games – when you select an NES game from the SD card, the menu loads the Neon64 emulator, appends the game, […]

Mic_’s NES VGM player

Here's another one of my VGM players that I've written lately; an NES version.  (the others are here, here and here).

This version supports Master System, Game Gear (SN76489) and NES (2A03) music in VGM format. Music made for other machines using SN76489 – like Colecovision and BBC Micro – should also work, but might […]

Mic_’s Gameboy VGM player

This is a VGM player I've written for the original monochrome Gameboy (and Color/Light/SGB/Advance).

You can download it and the source code hereAnd you can see/hear it in action here

It obviously doesn't cover all the chips supported by the VGM format. Only the SN76489 is emulated (used in Sega Master System and Game […]

Make an up to date MD/32X Toolchain

Building a new Genesis/32X toolchain ( by ChillyWilly )

1 – Go here and download the following:


Decompress them all in the same folder; you should end up with one folder called gcc-4.5.2.

2.1 – Go here and download mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2.2.2 – Go here and download mpc-0.8.2.tar.gz.2.3 – Go here and download gmp-5.0.1.tar.bz2.



Neo N64 Myth menu v2.2

Neo N64 Myth menu v2.2 has been released!

What's new:

-Updated menu to latest libdragon revision-SD loading speeds improved for .N64(No intro)/.Z64(GoodN64) images

Download links & more info : N64 Myth menu release thread

SNES firmware 2.6 released

This is the new 2.6 core for the SNES Myth cart. The current menu (0.55) doesn't yet make use of any features in the 2.6 core.  ….or at least it wasn't supposed to I realized after I had released the 0.55 menu that I had forgot to remove some code, so VGZ playback will currently […]

SNES Myth SD Menu v0.55

v0.55 of the SNES menu has been released:

New in this version:

* Faster SD loading. The transfer speed has been increased about 15-20% (I get around 140 kB/s with my SanDisk Ultra card).* The unzip speed has been increased about 50%.* Fixed a bug related to unzipping headered ROMs.* The menu now looks […]

NEO Sega Master System Myth cart menu + menu source code released!

The NEO SEGA Master System is ready for sale, here is the menu source code for dev. 

Final spec:* support all sega master system (sega4) games* support save* support cheat code, can enable/disable the cheat code in the game playing, just simple to press one switch then can swap it. When the cheat code […]

SNES Myth SD Menu v0.54

v0.54 of the SNES menu has been released:

YouTube video:

New in this version:* Long filenames in SD mode. * Support for changing some of the default menu values through a SETTINGS.TXT file in the /SNES directory on the SD card.* Loading of zipped ROMs from SD. 

Click here to read the […]

SNES firmware 2.4 has been released (SD card ROM loading speed up!)

SNES Myth core firmware v2.4 has been released!


+Improved SD transfer speed


Download it here

SNES Myth SD Menu v0.53

v0.53 of the SNES menu has been released:

YouTube video:

New in this version:

* Better compatibility with ROMs that have weird sizes when loading from the SD card. This mainly affects old homebrew demos/cracktros.

* Support for VGZ files. No need to decompress the songs before putting them on the SD card.


SNES Myth SD Menu v0.52

v0.52 of the SNES menu has been released:

YouTube video:

New in this version:

* Much faster game loading from SD if you've got the 2.4 firmware on your Myth (this firmware hasn't been released yet but hopefully Dr Neo will release it soon). I get speeds of about 95-110 kB/s with my […]

.PCE header removal tool

Well,, not much to say…..This is a tool i've made that removes the "SNES" header from a .pce rom file.

DownloadsWindows build :;topic=6438.0;attach=2681Source code :;topic=6438.0;attach=2682 (or )


Click here to read the full post

SNES Myth SD Menu v0.51

Ok, v0.51 is available:

Youtube video:

New in this version is mirroring of 20 Mbit ROMs (primarily Street Fighter II Turbo since that's the only one I know of so far). The mirroring is pretty slow right now. I can probably speed it up a bit, but that'll have to wait until after […]

Neo Myth Menu Deluxe v2.5

Here's version 2.5 of the menu for the MD Myth. Changes include:

– Fixed save ram setup for SMS games. This has been broken for some time and only one person noticed!– Added ability to use GG/PAR codes on SMS games in flash, and IPS patches on the SD card; note – this requires an […]

SNES Myth menu now with SD support!

The new SNES Myth Shell v0.50 is now available for download. You can find it at the same place as before:

A short video showing some of the features:

Info taken from the readme (key parts in bold):

Using SD cards**************

Take an SD card that has been formatted with FAT16 or FAT32.Create […]

NEW SNES 2.3 core release(Real Time Save support , SD-fix,Core nmi interrupts and more)

NEW SNES 2.3 core SPEC:

Added the MODE 4 << COPY MODE$400000~$4FFFFF = $C00000~$CFFFFF < map to GBA card flash/psram memory$500000~$5FFFFF = $D00000~$DFFFFF < map to SNES card PSRAM

$00C042 SET 0X01 enable the real time save function (by default is disable,you must set it before enter the game)

in the game if $00FFFE SET […]