
The guide for how to fix 99% SNK MagicKey issue
When your SNK MagicKey have some issue, like no graphic / no sound / image display or sound chaos etc. you can try to do :
[1] SNK MagicKey need more DC power current to work, you should use the 9V/3A or 12V/3A output DC […]
How to install the NEO SlimLoader IV/SMS4 driver in Windows 8/10 @ 32bit/64bit ?
The new win8 and win10 has make some trouble to end user when they try to install the SL4/SMS4 driver,so here we give out the […]
Neo SNK AES Magic Key 2013 version Released
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7648.0.html NEO SNK AES-Magic Key Spec: * SNK game cheat code,support all SNK AES original games * SNK game region select,it can change something in the game,like language and the “FATFURY” motion efect * 8Mb game rom is modifiable * Can upgrade Magic Key […]
NEO SNK MVS-Magic Key Spec:
* MVS to AES convertor function, let your AES home […]
The new SNK Super MVS Convertor plus 2011 version releasedmore info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7154.0.html
new feature:* Auto adjust the SNK screen parameter,not need manual adjust anymore* Support chip core upgrade via NDP* Support more games and more stable
the plus version details:
you can find the 2 upgrade ports and one USB port on the bottom
how […]
NEO SMS4 in stock now!
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6419.0.html
NDS SMS4 FINAL SPEC:◇ New generation design, more faster and stable◇ High speed USB Plug and Play, driver FREE◇ 6X speed up, backup 512M ROM just need 7 minutes◇ Support more special NDS game cart and save type◇ Support NDS game save data backup/restore◇ Support NDS ROM/Firmeare […]
The last NDS SMS4 (Super Memory Stick v4) for Original NDS cart and R6 release soon!more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6344.0.html
NDS SMS SPEC:◇ 2in1 intelligent design, AUTO detect chip type◇ Support all original NDS Game Cart and R6◇ Support nds game save EEPROM backup/restore◇ Support nds game ROM backup/restore◇ Support R6 firmware update and game download (up […]
NEO2-PRO is in stock now!more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6136.0.html * Run the GBA/NDS clean rom from SD/Mini-SD/TF directly,not need any extra patcher* 100% GBA hardware save function* Build in 3 set separate RTC* Build in 16 bit DMA* Build in 8Kb inner high-speed buffer* Build in 4M sram * Build in 32M flash menu* Build in 256M […]
The NEO SNES/SFC Myth cart SPEC v1:
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6053.0.html
* Support ALL SNES/SFC console,all in one solution* Support the SNES/SFC rom size up to 64M* Support all save type* Support 99.5% SNES/SFC games , and sure, some special game need DXP cart support* Download games from PC to NEO2 cart directly via USB port* […]
the new beta version for PCE flash cart programmer coming soon
by: mr.spiv
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php?topic=4688.msg43249;topicseen#msg43249
Some in progress screen captures:http://deadcoderssociety.net/pics/slimegui_beta1.jpghttp://deadcoderssociety.net/pics/slimegui_beta2.jpg
Some quick notes. It is possible to choose either "build-in menu" (which is neoflash 1.03), no menu at all or a custom menu. The custom menu can be of any size/form/whatever as long as […]
we need some good SNES/N64 tester/coder to give out the SNES/N64 MYTH cart report
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5850.0.html
tell me what's your details:i have the SNES/N64 region version: ???i know SNES/N64 coding: (YES/NO)i can make the review for it: (YES/NO)i'm the MOD or the web master: (YES/NO)i'll post the review to these sites: ???
we will […]
some info about the Game MP5 – Neo Slim 3000:more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5826.0.html
Screen: 320*240 pix matrix true color 3.5-inch TFT displayDigital recorder:Voice recording and supports MP3/WAV formatsFM Radio: Worldwide FM band support, from 76.0MHz~108.0MHz, support manual/auto channel scanning, support FM recording/playing multi-task. User can save up to 40 channels.Image: Image browsing format includes JPG, BMP […]
Welcome our new MOD — Conle ! more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5753.0.html
From now his is our MD of MD column , and thanks his contribute to our MD myth project!
the NEO MD Myth 3in1 Cart retail packing
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5667.0.html
the cart lookingwhen it plug in to console
what come with the retail pack
the packingorder now: www.ic2005.com
BTW,upload the N64 Myth Cart sample photo:
Here is the first batch NEO MD 3in1 Myth Cart tester list
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5629.0.html
ArakonDjoeNschmakemurdiariesConleandobageezup Sektoreastbayarb
The sample will ship out in this week. And if you know who or which site are famous with the MD retro hardware or homebrew coding area, please introduce to me too, i'll present the free MD sample […]
The SMS2 start for sell now
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5659.0.html
NEO SMS2 SPEC:◇ USB Plug and Play, driver FREE◇ 2in1 intelligent design, AUTO detect chip type◇ Support all original NDS Cart and R6◇ Support nds game save EEPROM backup/restore to PC◇ Support R6 firmware update◇ Support backup original NDS game cart to PC
SMS2 photos:
the NEO MK III Myth cart SPEC:more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5637.0.html
* support the rom up to 16M
* support the Multi games
* support all save type
* download games from USB to NEO2 cart via Slim Loader IV
* upload/overwrite game save to PC via USB via Slim Loader IV
some photo:
Build […]
the NEO N64 Myth cart first SPEC:
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5634.0.html
* support the rom up to 512M
* support all save type except the flash save,we are working with it still,should ready soon
* support over 99% games
* download games from USB to NEO2 cart directly
* upload/overwrite game save to PC via USB […]
The NEO SNES Myth cart photo release
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5633.0.html
the NEO SNES Myth cart SPEC:
* support the rom up to 48M
* support all save type
* can run DSP games if plug in the DSP game cart, so can support over 99% games
* download games from USB to NEO2 cart directly
* upload/overwrite […]
Neo Power PCE 128M+SAVE cart released, order now: www.ic2005.commore info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5627.msg39281.html#msg39281
V1.1 SAVE version [05-22-2009]* support PCE game save, the ram size up to 2Mbit,and can upload/overwrite save data to PC via NEO Silm Loader IV * support some special games from now, like "Populous"
the new cart looking
come with rechargeable battery
the […]
NEW R6 Gold ONE releasedmore info : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5441.0.html
the MK-R6 Gold 2008 SPEC:* 1:1 original NDS cart size* Support ALL version of NDS & Lite* Simple PLUG and PLAY* Drag and Drop, not need any extra patch* NDS brightness adjustable* Support Auto Sleep Mode* Build in MagicKey pass2 function* Build in 4K/64K/256K/512K/2M/4M REAL EEPROM Save* […]
we are plan to ship some FREE SMS to the developer, let them use it to develop their APP, if someone interesting with it please let me know.
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5420.0.html
and we will release the PC source code for SMS, to help the homebrew maker.
NDS SMS (Super Memory Stick) for Original NDS cart and R6 released!
The first NDS SMS Backup Master V0.30 beta version for download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5405.0.html
NDS SMS SPEC:◇ USB Plug and Play, driver FREE◇ 2in1 intelligent design, AUTO detect chip type◇ Support all original NDS Cart and R6◇ Support nds game save EEPROM backup/restore◇ Support R6 […]
R6 Silver Lite version — R6 ONE released
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5375.0.html
it's the standard R6 Silver cart, just don't come with rumble pak and 9-in-1 USB card reader, but come with cheap price.
order now: http://www.ic2005.com/shop/product.php?productid=96&cat=0&page=1
The R6 XTREME 64G is ready, will become the prize for this compo too 🙂
more info : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5228.0.html