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R6 motion menu v3.0.0582 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-4-1]

R6 motion menu v3.0.0582 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-4-1] (for test only)

history:* Support KOREAN / ENGLISHG 2 language now  0 = Korean  1 = English* Fix some bugs

download :[2008-4-1].rar



R6 motion menu v3.0.0315 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-18]

R6 motion menu v3.0.0315 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-18]

history:* Support rumble pack* TF accessing speed up* Support more roms

ToDo:# Multi-language support# Enable TF turbo speed option

download :,4941.0.html

R6 motion menu v3.0.0301 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-10]

R6 motion menu v3.0.0301 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-10]


history:* Add game save backup/restore* Re-write some code

R6 motion menu v3.0.0265 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-1]

R6 motion menu v3.0.0265 for R6 Silver and Gold [2008-3-1]

history:* Add sub-folder support* Fixed the SDHC loading bug* More better auto DLDI support* Support R6 GOLD motion menu function* Update the loader core




DLDI Drop for MK-R6 (Mac OS X DLDI app)

DLDI Drop for MK-R6  (Mac OS X DLDI app) by Jan Kampling (modfied by Sturmen)

Usage: Drag .nds/gba.nds/.sc.nds file onto the icon. Can also be dragged to icon in the Dock.

Changelog from 1.52:Added NeoFlash MK-R6 driver


the R6 menu 3.0 beta V31b [2008-01-28]

the R6 menu 3.0 beta V31b [2008-01-28]

download :,4821.msg33080.html

History:*  Fixed some TF compatibility bugs,now should support many TF already*  Add homebrew auto-DLDI support*  Can load rom now,but not 100% yet*  Hold L+R button when power on then can boot slot-2 (passme)*  Use RIGHT and LEFT key can roll the page in menu*  Can […]

the menu upgrade for MK6 / R6-Gold and R6-Silver Beta 0.91 [Jan.8th 2008]

the menu upgrade for MK6 / R6-Gold and R6-Silver Beta 0.91 [Jan.8th 2008]

We just finish the new boot menu for MK6 / R6-Gold and R6-Silver, after you upgrade it,can make them support SDHC,and more function.This is an universal menu, support all MK6 and R6, and it can auto detect the cart type.

How […]

NEO2/3 menu v2.00 (for MK6 SAVE CART + NEO2/3)

NEO2/3 menu v2.00 (for MK6 SAVE CART + NEO2/3)

more info :,4698.0.html 

How to use the NEO2/3 menu v2.xx

[1] Use USB Slim Loader burn the "NEO2_3 bootstarp V1.0.neo" to your NEO2/3 flash memory.

[2] Copy the _boot_ds.nds to your SD/TF.[3] Turn on nds to run.

Note: The neo V2.xx menu is design for […]

dslinuxForR6 download

dslinux For R6 download

more info: dslinux For R6 download

user : rootpassword : uClinux


download :

NEO Universal 2Mbit Save Test APP V5

NEO Universal 2Mbit Save Test APP V5 [June.5th 2007]Suitable with : MK5 / MK6 / R6 serial.Purpose : test the 2M SRAM ( EEPROM ) working status

How to use:[1] Run this APP from any slot-1 or slot-2 cart[2] Press any button to test the 2M memory,if everything fine,then NDS will show "TEST PASSED". And […]

Moonshell 1.71 for R6 serial

R6 Moonshell downlaod :

more info :,4474.0.html 

Mk6 burn-R6 Homebew Menu V0.3 [July.18th 2007]

How to burn the R6 menu to the R6 menu flash ?[1] use any slot-1 or slot-2 to run this "Mk6_burn-R6_Homebew_Menu_Vx.x.nds";[2] when you see the screen ask you press START to burn the MK6/R6, please insert the R6 cart, and press START;[3] after it finish,then can re-power on your NDS to try the R6 menu.


Mk6 burn-R6 Homebew Menu V0.1 [July.17th 2007]

How to burn the R6 menu to the R6 menu flash ?[1] use any slot-1 or slot-2 to run this "Mk6_burn-R6_Homebew_Menu_Vx.x.nds";[2] when you see the screen ask you press START to burn the MK6/R6, please insert the R6 cart, and press START;[3] after it finish,then can re-power on your NDS to try the R6 menu.


NEO R6 DLDI with Dlditool v0.32

NEO R6 DLDI with Dlditool v0.32


this file come with all NEO MK2 / MK3 / NEO2 / NEO3 and MK-R6 DLDI file, and the DLDI tool V0.32 patch APP too, it's very easy to patch the homebrew to work with above cart, just check the how to.

MK6 Homebrew Patcher V5 & MK6 Burner Maker V3

MK6 Homebrew Patcher V5 [Jun.26th 2007]This APP is patch the homebrew to MK6 format, and run from the MK6 menu flash directly, because the MK6 just have 16M menu flash only, so the patched file can't over 16Mbit (2Mbyte).

How to patch on PC : drag the homebrew file and drop to this APP.How to […]

MK6 Menuflash Burner V1.0

How to burn the homebrew to MK6-Motion cart?It's very easy, follow me.

more info:,4347.0.html 

[1] Firstly please download the MK6 Burner APP and MK6 Homebrew patch 4.0 file, then drag the homebrew rom and drop to the MK6 patch file, you will get one new patched file with same name (remember the patched rom […]