the new version PC APP for neo2/neo3 series flash cart v1.0 beta versionmore info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6154.msg45868.html#msg45868 Neo2 Pro Manager 1.0:1. gba not support yet (but will soon)2. md, snes, n64 need to test more
the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.18 version released [April.6th 2010]
History:* support the pockmon silver version original game cart
download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6116.0.html
The MD/N64/SNES Myth flash cart PC programmer V3.04 [March.23th 2010]
download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6091.0.html
* Fix some bugs
please post your testing report here,thanks
the first third party SNES menu for SNES myth cart by mic_ !
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6029.30.html
Ok, I fixed some errors. Now it can load ROMs properly (at least the few I tried)
The MD/N64/SNES Myth flash cart PC programmer V3.02 [March.5th 2010]
* Fix ong bug for 256M/512M flash cart formating.* Update the MD menu and plugin, thanks the great job from ChillyWilly and Conle !
download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6058.0.html
The MD/N64/SNES Myth flash cart PC programmer V3.01 [Feb.18th 2010]
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6022.0.html
* Fix some bugs for the new type 256M myth flash cart
download: (fixed)http://www.neoflash.com/myth/NEO2_Ultra_Menu_V3.01_AppSetup_100208.rar
OSX flashcart tool for NEO PCE Cart with a GUI.. beta 1 by mr.spiv
Right.. I am getting bored with this project and the enthusiast volunteers of beta testers (pun intended..).
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5941.0.html
It is for Intel based Macs.. no PPC support, sorry. Also, I have myself used SnowLeopard (OSX 10.6.2) as a development environment […]
The MD/N64/SNES Myth flash cart PC programmer V2.99 [Jan.30 2010]
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5983.0.html
* Finish the SFC/SNES function 100% * Support multi SFC/SNES games, and select game on TV* Support all SFC/SNES save type* Support all SFC/SNES games (of cause, some special games need the DSP game cart support)* Use use any SFC/SNES cart to […]
The MD/N64/SNES Myth flash cart PC programmer V2.99 [Jan.30 2010]
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5983.0.html
* Finish the SFC/SNES function 100% * Support multi SFC/SNES games, and select game on TV* Support all SFC/SNES save type* Support all SFC/SNES games (of cause, some special games need the DSP game cart support)* Use use any SFC/SNES cart to […]
the new firmware for Neo Slim 3000 V1.6 release now.
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5936.0.html
history:* Improved the EMU core* Fixed one bug for exit application
download link: http://www.neoflash.com/slim/NEO_SLIM3000_UPDATE_V1.6.rar
Neo Slim 3000 user manual V.2010a (japanese)
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5937.0.html
NEO Slim 3000ユーザーズマニュアルV. 2010 A
基本性能1.3.5インチ、320*240ドット・マトリクスのフルカラーTFT液晶2.音楽再生機能:MP3をはじめWMA、OGG、APE、FLAC、WAVなど多種のフォーマットの音楽を再生することができます3.ビデオ再生機能:RM/RMVB、ASF、AVI、MP4、FLVなどの34種類のビデオフォーマットに対応し、変換の必要はありません。4.ピクチャーの表示:マルチタスクでピクチャーを表示できます。5.電子書籍:マルチタスクの電子書籍が読むことができます6.ラジオ機能:76~108MHz FMの視聴およびFM録音が可能で、全世界に対応しています。7.録音:マイクのデジタルの録音ができます。8.設定:システムの設定が可能で、および多言語に対応しています9.ファイルの管理:ファイルの管理システムは操作をブラウズして、削除することも可能です。10.EQ設定と多種の3D音響の設定11.USB2.0の高速転送に対応しています12.ステレオ出力に対応しています。13.USBで充電が可能です。14.SDスロット搭載、Mini-SD/TF対応(変換アダプタが必要です。)15.FC、MD,SFC,GBAフォーマットの8ビット/16ビット/32ビットのゲームのエミュレーター搭載
click here to view: http://www.neoflash.com/slim/NEO_Slim_3000-User_Menu-Japanese.htm
the last MD menu — Neo Myth Menu v1.1B6 present here : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5871.60.html
the last SuperMD PLugin NEO2 Edition V2.1.0.3 present here : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5812.195.html
Changes from v2.1.0.1 -> v2.1.0.3STABLE:[1]Added "silent mode" ( new constant argument "-q "$value$"". Eg,pass : -q "1" ).Silent mode fully disables warnings and all messages[2]Extended recognition for new SuperMD plug host and […]
the NEO N64 Myth cart SPEC v2:
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5889.0.html
* Support the N64 rom size up to 512M* Support all save type perfectly included the flash save, not need the same save type N64 game cart to work together* Support 100% N64 games perfectly* Download games from PC to NEO2 cart directly via USB […]
Okay, time for v1.1! All new thread to make sure people realize this is the latest!
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5871.0.html
New for v1.1:
Now can be used as CD BRAM!! I included the SCD_SRAM.BIN file as it's nothing but 0xFF04 repeated over and over. Copy this file to the SD card (or burn it to the […]
MD 3in1 Myth flash cart PC programmer V2.93 [Oct.08 2009]more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5857.0.html
* Fixed some bugs, * Now can choose the install path when you run the install pack* Support clone's the lastest MD Myth plug-in * The SNES part finish 100% already, and N64 part finish 80%* Build in the new MD Myth menu, […]
the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.16 version released
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5664.0.html
History:* support the new pockmon original game cart* add deutsch support
download: http://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/NEO_NDS_SMS2_Backup_Master_V1.16.rar
New Neo Myth Menu by ChillyWilly
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5829.60.html
Told you I was close – here's the last alpha, the next release will be beta 1. This version prints the rom header info when you press C (MD/32X only… what does the SMS header look like? Does it even have one?), and runs the rom […]
MD 3in1 Myth flash cart PC programmer V2.90 [Nov.07 2009]more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5825.0.html
* Fixed some bugs, * Support clone's plug-in V1.09* the SNES part finish 98% already,now the SNES myth cart work with this version very well
download: http://www.neoflash.com/myth/NEO2UltraMenuV2_90_AppSetup-091107_rar.zip
MD 3in1 Myth flash cart PC programmer V2.86 upgrade pak [Oct.15 2009]more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5808.msg41319.html#msg41319
* keep to improve something* add the SuperMD tool plugin interface, thanks Conle!* the MD menu update to V2.20
download: http://www.neoflash.com/myth/NEO2_Ultra_Menu_V2.86_AppSetup_091015.rar
check the SuperMD tool plugin interface source code here: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5807.0.html
SuperMD Tool for MD Myth Cart
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5780.0.html
[Current version]Tool : :
Latest changelog : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5760.msg40724.html#msg40724
[Credits]SuperMD Tool coded by conleon1988OpenGenie(temp name) SMS/MD Rom digging opensource framework coded by conleon1988
[Contributors]-Chilly Willy for providing the the linux x86 arch binaries and for reportingsome critical bugs. Thanks!
[Thanks]Special thanks to all emu authors […]
MD 3in1 Myth flash cart PC programmer V2.83 [Sep.03 2009]more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5752.0.html
* can add new roms without cover the old ones;* can delete roms from the list, but need to click burn button to confirm the modification;* support multi-roms from mouse select
note: before use this new version, please format your MD myth cart […]
the first version of GBA + MD 3in1 Myth cart PC programmer V2.82
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5744.0.html
function:* Support GBA cart* Support MD myth cart,need select the save type manual, and not support 40M SSF II very well yet* Support *.BIN and *.SMS file* Can backup/upload the save data or game data between PC […]
the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.13 version released
more info: ttp://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5664.0.html
History:* fix some bug with the multi thread operate issue
download: http://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/NEO_NDS_SMS2_Backup_Master_V1.13.rar
the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.11 version released
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5660.0.html
History:* fix some bug with the NDS cart detect issue* support multi language now, just need put the new language file to the "Language" folder then can make it support new language, welcome to upload your own language file to forum for share […]
NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.00 release
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5654.0.html
* fix some reading bug* support more original NDS cart
download: http://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/NEO_NDS_SMS2_Backup_Master_V1.00.rar