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The Neo2 Pro Manager v1.32 released [23th.July 2013]

The Neo2 Pro Manager v1.32 released [23th.July 2013]more info:,7645.0.html* The v1.32 can support SMS4 / MD / N64 / SNES / PC-Engine / SEGA MKIII / NeoGeo MagicKey (use neo_kit_kernal) / NeoFlash2(pro) / Neo3-SD etc. devices.* Fixed the SMS4 can’t support special symbol with the nds cart title name like “/” & “:” […]

The SMS4 & MD & N64 & SNES & PC-E Myth flash cart_ Pro programmer V1.20 [Nov.1st 2011]

The SMS4 & MD & N64 & SNES & PC-E Myth flash cart_ Pro programmer V1.20 [Nov.1st 2011]

History:* update all myth cart menu to the last one* support the NEO3-SD detect* fix some bugs



The SMS4/MD/N64/SNES/PC-E/NDS Myth flash cart Pro programmer V1.09 [Dec.28th 2010]

The SMS4/MD/N64/SNES/PC-E/NDS Myth flash cart Pro programmer V1.09 [Dec.28th 2010]more info:,6440.0.html history:

[2010-12-28 V1.09]* update the SNES Myth SD Menu to v0.51 * update the Neo Myth Menu to Deluxe v2.5 * fix the GBA menu,now can play GBA roms again,and with SMS function



the new version PC APP for neo2/neo3 series flash cart v1.0 beta version

the new version PC APP for neo2/neo3 series flash cart v1.0 beta versionmore info:,6154.msg45868.html#msg45868 Neo2 Pro Manager 1.0:1. gba not support yet (but will soon)2. md, snes, n64 need to test more

NEO2 Menu v1.31 RC5 [7-25-2007]

NEO2 Menu v1.31 RC5 [7-25-2007]

New in this version:* Support more roms

download : NEO2 Menu v1.31 RC5 [7-25-2007]

NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.50 [July.21th 2007]

NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.50 [July.21th 2007]

history:(please click the "Menu Upgrade" button to upgrade,not need format again)* Fixed the bug of upgrade NEO3 menu* Added the function for backup/write NEO2/3's menu flash / SRAM / PSRAM

download:  NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.50 [July.21th 2007] 


MoonShell V1.71 for MK2/3 serial and NEO2/3 serial

MoonShell V1.71 for MK2/3 serial and NEO2/3 serial

more info : MoonShell V1.71 for MK2/3 serial and NEO2/3 serial  

download :

how to use: just decompress and copy it to the SD/TF, then plug to the MK/NEO cart for play, but remember upgrade to the last menu first.

NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.10 [July.17th 2007]

NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.10 [July.17th 2007]

history:(please click the "Menu Upgrade" button to upgrade,not need format again)* Fixed the bug of GBA menu save detect code* Show game's title & save size at the save type select screen



NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.00 [July.12th 2007]

NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.00 [July.12th 2007]

history:(please format your neo2 again before use it)* Improve the FAT core a lot,more faster than before* Support load GBA ROMs form SD directly and run,load 128M rom need 15s* Disable the SMS fuction temporary,for debug* Can copy and converte the GBA ROMs to SD directly if want the […]

NEO2 Ultra Menu V1.90 ( for all NEO2/3 serial , and NEO2 TWIN too )

NEO2 Ultra Menu V1.90 ( for all NEO2/3 serial , and NEO2 TWIN too )



* Add SMS mode select (that launch from GBA manu)* Change the save flow, and fix some SMS bug* Fix the bug if enable BOMA and ZIP together* Display NEO2/3 Cart Type in the screen* Support GBC […]

NEO2 Ultra Menu V1.40 [Jun.14th 2007]

NEO2 Ultra Menu V1.40 [Jun.14th 2007]

more info : NEO2 Ultra Menu V1.40 [Jun.14th 2007]

history:* Add the zip PSRAM test* Improved the GBA menu* Improved run the Zipped rom directly, 512M can store near 800M roms.* Support TEXT / HTML / HTM / GIF / JPG / PNG / BMP / NESROM / SEGA […]

[2006-12-31] Neo2 Manager V1.6

[2006-12-31] Neo2 Manager V1.6

more info:,3603.0.html


[2006-12-31] Neo2 Manager V1.61. Fix one save lib bug,support Golden Sun serial multi-point save,thanks bruceg 2. Add the background upgrade checking function, can check the new version automatica.3. Start to support NEO3-SD/MiniSD/TF serial,can use this driver to burn the NEO2/3 menu.




NEO2 Ultra Menu V1.33 beta2 [May.11th 2007]

NEO2 Ultra Menu V1.33 beta2 [May.11th 2007]

History:* support SL3 and SL4 both

How to:[1] install the beta2[2] plug in the SL3 or SL4 , system will ask you to specify the USB driver position.

for the SL3, select the correct folder : C:\Program Files\NEO2 FlashTeam\Neo2 Menu Setup\Driver\SlimLoader III

and for SL4, select :  C:\Program […]

NEO2 Menu v1.31 RC3 [4-23-2007]

NEO2 Menu v1.31 RC3 [4-23-2007]

New in this version:* Re-write the save core,support more roms now.
