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The new version of NEO 3DS&NDS SMS2/SMS4 Backup Master V1.30 released

The new version of NEO 3DS&NDS SMS2/SMS4 Backup Master V1.30 released History: * Support more special games, like Pokemon white/black 2 download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7695.0.html


the final version of NEO 3DS SMS2/SMS4 Backup Master V1.24 released

the final version of NEO 3DS SMS2/SMS4 Backup Master V1.24 released more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7121.0.html

History:* Support M95xxx eeprom* Fixed M45/M25 bug

please test and report to us

NEO 3DS SMS2 Backup Master V1.24.rar (928.84 kB – downloaded 0 times.) […]

the final version NEO 3DS SMS2 Backup Master V1.21 released

the final version NEO 3DS SMS2 Backup Master V1.21 releaseddownload: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6933.0.html

History:* Support the 3DS 4M eeprom chip

SMS2 V1.21 for 3DS DEMO version released

SMS2 V1.21 for 3DS DEMO version releaseddownload: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6659.0.html This DEMO version just support the 1001 (1M) eeprom chip, don't support the 2001/4001 chips yet, please don't use it when you see the 3DS cart is NOT use 1001 ic !The next version will coming after 1 week, support more IC type, and support SMS4 […]

The SMS4/MD/N64/SNES/PC-E/NDS Myth flash cart Pro programmer V1.11 [Jan.18th 2011]

The SMS4/MD/N64/SNES/PC-E/NDS Myth flash cart Pro programmer V1.11 [Jan.18th 2011]

history:* support the Pokemon HG/SS and Pokemon soul silver game cart eeprom backup* fix one SD loading issue for GBA games* update these myth menu to the last version:SNES Myth SD Menu v0.54MD have v2.5n64 use the 1.9.1

download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6457.0.html […]

The SMS4/MD/N64/SNES/PC-E/NDS Myth flash cart Pro programmer V1.10 [Jan.15th 2011]

The SMS4/MD/N64/SNES/PC-E/NDS Myth flash cart Pro programmer V1.10 [Jan.15th 2011]

history:* support the pockmon black and white game cart eeprom backup* fix one N64 gba cart type config issue

download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6455.0.html

the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.18 version released [April.6th 2010]

the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.18 version released [April.6th 2010]

History:* support the pockmon silver version original game cart

download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6116.0.html


the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.16 version released

the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.16 version released

more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5664.0.html

History:* support the new pockmon original game cart* add deutsch support

download: http://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/NEO_NDS_SMS2_Backup_Master_V1.16.rar


the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.13 version released

the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.13 version released

more info: ttp://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5664.0.html

History:* fix some bug with the multi thread operate issue

download: http://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/NEO_NDS_SMS2_Backup_Master_V1.13.rar

the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.11 version released

the NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.11 version released

more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5660.0.html

History:* fix some bug with the NDS cart detect issue* support multi language now, just need put the new language file to the "Language" folder then can make it support new language, welcome to upload your own language file to forum for share […]

NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.00 release

NEO NDS SMS2 Backup Master V1.00 release

more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5654.0.html

* fix some reading bug* support more original NDS cart

download: http://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/NEO_NDS_SMS2_Backup_Master_V1.00.rar

NEO SMS can backup your orignal NDS cart now!

NEO SMS can backup your orignal NDS cart now!

more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5643.0.html

click here to download the dump APP : http://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/NEO_SMS_Dumper.rar

How to DIY your SMS to dump rom:

Big photo:http://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/SMS-DIY_1.jpghttp://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/SMS-DIY_1a.jpghttp://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/SMS-DIY_2.jpg


NEO NDS SMS Backup Master V0.50

NEO NDS SMS Backup Master V0.50more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,5424.0.html

history:* add the NDS game cart title autodect function, can use the game title as the file name automatic

download:  http://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/NEO_NDS_SMS_Backup_Master_V0.50.exe


NDS SMS Backup Master V0.30 beta version for download

The product packing

When APP can't detect SMS, then it will show nothing.

When APP detect have some cart insert, then will start to identify the chip type automatic.

The first NDS SMS Backup Master V0.30 beta version for download: http://www.neoflash.com/download/SMS/NEO_NDS_SMS_Backup_Master_V0.30.rar

