Time for another update… this is a beta since there have been some pretty big changes, and there’s still some work to do. The main feature for this release? GameShark cheat codes!
20th.July 2012 update the v2.6b2 — download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7430.0.html

While browsing the SD card, if there is a file of cheat codes with the same name (minus the extension, which is .gsc) in the /menu/n64/cheats directory of the SD card, the rom options (right next to the box art – if you don’t see box art, press Z to switch to the options mode) now includes a new option: Cheats. If you don’t see “Cheats: Off” you don’t have a matching cheat file. Make sure the names match except for the extension. Press C-Up or C-Down to move to the Cheat option, then press C-Right or C-Left to change the setting. The settings are Off, Select, and All. When you run with the Off setting, the game loads and runs like normal.When set to Select, the game loads, then you go to a cheat selection screen. All the cheats in the file are shown; you navigate the cheats using the D-Pad, then use the C-Pad to change the cheat setting. For most cheats, the settings are Off and On. For some, the settings are Off and an integer. The help messages at the bottom tell you what buttons do what in case you forget. B always disables the current cheat.When set to All, the game loads, then you got to the same cheat selection screen, but all the cheats are preset to On instead of Off.
Once you have selected the cheats you want, press A to run the game.
The second feature for this update is support for the UltraSMS emulator. Copy the emulator to /menu/n64/UltraSMS/ and when navigating Game Gear roms, you can press A to load the emulator, load the rom, and run the game in the emulator (just like NES roms). Another minor update is both NES and Game Gear roms now identify as such in the browser while navigating. Note – UltraSMS only handles GameGear roms, not Master System (despite the name). The UltraSMS.zip archive should be unzipped into the /menu/n64 directory of the SD card. The full path for the emulator is “/menu/n64/UltraSMS/UltraSMS.z64”.
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