
NEO Universal 2Mbit Save Test APP V5 [June.5th 2007]Suitable with : MK5 / MK6 / R6 serial.Purpose : test the 2M SRAM ( EEPROM ) working status
How to use:[1] Run this APP from any slot-1 or slot-2 cart[2] Press any button to test the 2M memory,if everything fine,then NDS will show "TEST PASSED". And […]
NEO2 Menu v1.31 RC5 [7-25-2007]
New in this version:* Support more roms
download : NEO2 Menu v1.31 RC5 [7-25-2007]
Welcome our new MOD — Spinal !
Spinal is a nice nds homebrew developer too, so he can help NEO user more easier, keep the good job Spinal
And hope more superior can join the NEO MOD team too.
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4496.0.html
PC game controlled with NDS Motionby: KeithE
Here is year application to turn your DS into has motion sensing USB gamepad. You' ll need has DS Motion Card gold MK6-motion gold R6 gold for the motion sensing, and year MK5 (gold clone) GBA slot USB linker. Plug all the cards in, plug the USB cable […]
NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.50 [July.21th 2007]
history:(please click the "Menu Upgrade" button to upgrade,not need format again)* Fixed the bug of upgrade NEO3 menu* Added the function for backup/write NEO2/3's menu flash / SRAM / PSRAM
download: NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.50 [July.21th 2007]
MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.45 + 2.52 XMenu [07-20-2007]* Optimized the flash low-level core, need re-format the MK5 first,please backup your game save file to PC in advance* Added 3 format mode to the format page when boot up your NDS and hold SELECT+START* Fixed one game save bug* Changed the "wait to […]
MoonShell V1.71 for MK2/3 serial and NEO2/3 serial
more info : MoonShell V1.71 for MK2/3 serial and NEO2/3 serial
download : http://www.neoflash.com/download/Moonshell_1.71_for_MK2_MK3_NEO2_NEO3.rar
how to use: just decompress and copy it to the SD/TF, then plug to the MK/NEO cart for play, but remember upgrade to the last menu first.
R6 Moonshell downlaod : http://www.neoflash.com/driver/MoonShell_MK-R6.rar
more info : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4474.0.html
How to burn the R6 menu to the R6 menu flash ?[1] use any slot-1 or slot-2 to run this "Mk6_burn-R6_Homebew_Menu_Vx.x.nds";[2] when you see the screen ask you press START to burn the MK6/R6, please insert the R6 cart, and press START;[3] after it finish,then can re-power on your NDS to try the R6 menu.
How to burn the R6 menu to the R6 menu flash ?[1] use any slot-1 or slot-2 to run this "Mk6_burn-R6_Homebew_Menu_Vx.x.nds";[2] when you see the screen ask you press START to burn the MK6/R6, please insert the R6 cart, and press START;[3] after it finish,then can re-power on your NDS to try the R6 menu.
NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.10 [July.17th 2007]
history:(please click the "Menu Upgrade" button to upgrade,not need format again)* Fixed the bug of GBA menu save detect code* Show game's title & save size at the save type select screen
download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4468.0.html
NEO R6 DLDI with Dlditool v0.32
download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4461.0.html
this file come with all NEO MK2 / MK3 / NEO2 / NEO3 and MK-R6 DLDI file, and the DLDI tool V0.32 patch APP too, it's very easy to patch the homebrew to work with above cart, just check the how to.
the first batch of R6 gold and neo2 twin cart were ship to coders already.at this moment we don't ship to the reviewer yet until the retail menu ready.
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4453.0.html
here is the checking number:
<Liran Nuna> 2007-7-10: 4PX.CC —9660001002
<WinterMute> 2007-7-10 4PX.CC —-9660001005
<MrShlee> 2007-7-10 4PX.CC —9660001006
<freemaan> 2007-7-10 4PX.CC —9660001007
<spinal> 2007-7-10 […]
NEO2 Ultra Menu V2.00 [July.12th 2007]
history:(please format your neo2 again before use it)* Improve the FAT core a lot,more faster than before* Support load GBA ROMs form SD directly and run,load 128M rom need 15s* Disable the SMS fuction temporary,for debug* Can copy and converte the GBA ROMs to SD directly if want the […]
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4449.0.html
now we have to support the NES / MD and SNES game save hardware on the myth cart, so we want to know:
what save chip have used with the NES / MD and SNES cart? and the exactly save IC part number is?
thanks for the help, the good helper will […]
MK-R6 Gold (Motion) and Silver released
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4433.0.html
the MK-R6 Gold SPEC:
* 1:1 original NDS cart size* Support ALL version of NDS & Lite* Simple PLUG and PLAY* Drag and paste, not need any extra patch* NDS brightness adjustable* Support Auto Sleep Mode* Build in MagicKey pass2* Build in 2M EEPROM Save* Build […]
MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.44 + 2.50 XMenu [07-05-2007]
* Fixed the bug of when #1044 use soft reset return to menu cause menu hang* Fixed #0697 and #0963 white screen issue* Game save data update to #1167
Downlaod: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4432.0.html
NEO2 Ultra Menu V1.90 ( for all NEO2/3 serial , and NEO2 TWIN too )
download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4431.0.html
* Add SMS mode select (that launch from GBA manu)* Change the save flow, and fix some SMS bug* Fix the bug if enable BOMA and ZIP together* Display NEO2/3 Cart Type in the screen* Support GBC […]
NEO2 TWIN released, in stock now
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4426.0.html
* Come with the newest MK5-key* Universal BOOT! Can boot almost slot-2 cart* Built in 2M SAVE RAM* Drag and drop, Plug and play* 1:1 original size* Support load the NDS rom from SD/MiniSD/TF card* Come with SL4 USB loader* GBA RTC Support! […]
Now we start to looking for the NEO Summer Compo (Aug.20th 2007) partner site, the first partner site is :http://www.playeradvance.org
hope can join us
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4421.0.html
some MK-R6 code released
// Welcome to join our develope team // contact us now for more details//// Mail&MSN: neoflash_team@hotmail.com // mIRC : #neo @ EFnet
_io_nmmc2.s _neo2.c _io_nsd2_wr.s _io_nsd2.s frameBuf.h frameBuf.c flash.h flash.c draw.h draw.c disc_io.h disc_io.c card.s card.h bnr.s bnr.h bg_vwf.c io_mk6.h io_mk6.c mk6.h mk6.c […]
MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.43 + 2.48 XMenu [07-01-2007]* Added soft-reset function
Downlaod: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4375.0.html
MK5 8G/16G GIGA cart upgrade core V1.42 + 2.47 XMenu [07-01-2007]* Added one extra ECC checking for ARM7&ARM9 bin * Improved the 4M save support, "The Legend of Zelda" working perfect now* Improved some code for the core, more stable now.
Downlaod: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,4373.0.html