
the MK4 NEO1 Universal Patcher V4.0 V2006_12_25_Beta release
* Fixed many bug,more roms can run on neo1+mk4-mini now
here is some tips: When power on your NDS , hold ONE button UNTIL the game start to run:
don't hold any button and power on – use MK4-mini NDS Mode […]
[FAQ] playing NDS games on the neo2-lite
What you need:1. A mk4-mini2. A Neo2-lite3. A slimloader IV4. The Neo2 Manager software (currently v1.60: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3603.0.html )
What to do:1. Install the software on your pc.
2. Patch a SINGLE nds rom as follows: a) Locate the mk4-mini patcher in the following directory on your pc: […]
[FAQ] playing GBA games on the neo2-lite
What you need:1. A mk4-mini2. A Neo2-lite3. A slimloader IV4. The Neo2 Manager software (currently v1.60: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3603.0.html )
What to do:1. Install the software.2. Plug the neo2-lite into the slimloader IV and plug the slimloader into a USB port on your PC (We suggest on the back […]
What you need: 1. Neo2-SD/TF2. Mk4-mini3. A SD/TF card depending on you're neo2 version4. The newest menu (currently menu v1.31: http://www.neoflash.com/go/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=27 )
What to do:1. Insert both the neo2 and the mk4-mini into your DS, and put the mk4-mini in GBA-mode.2. Insert a SD/TF card into a card reader for your PC.3. Format the SD/TF […]
how the neo2/3-SD/TF dump the nds card:[1] put the MK4/MK5 and neo2-SD/TF to ANY version NDS/Lite[2] set the mk4/MK5 to GBA mode[3] turn on nds/lite[4] when you see "Change the nds game cart,then press B button start to dump…" , then remove MK4-mini and insert the nds game cart.[5] press B,start to bump. in the […]
The NEO2-SD Flash Cart Review by DCEmu
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3318.0.html
Bootcart and Flash Cart Combo for Nintendo DS/DS Lite (GBMicro, GBA & GBASP)
Flash Cart works also on unreleased Snes, Megadrive and Nintendo 64 Flash carts.
* Run the clean rom from (SD) directly,not need any patcher* Support all clean rom (100% […]
the NEO2-SD review by Guyfawkes
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3334.0.html
IntroductionThe Neo2 and MK4-mini are the latest products from the Neoflash team who have been manufacturing GBA and DS flash carts over the past few years. The Neo2 is a Slot 2 cartridge (GBA slot) which as well as featuring the usual flash memory has a Secure […]
has there been any success of someone working the neo2 tf with a 2gb microsd card???….. if so please tell
— yes,support 2GB 100%.
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3424.0.html
Im a little confused. I ordered the neo2 lite 256mb for my first flash cart and I was wondering If it supports zip files?
— the NEO2-lite and NEO3 all can't support zipped roms , only NEO2 can support it base on the lastest NEO2 Ultra Manager.
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3616.0.html
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3620.0.html
* Run the NDS clean rom from SD directly,not need any extra patcher* Support multi-clean rom* Build in battery AD monitor* Build in 16 bit DMA* Build in 8Kb inner high-speed buffer* Build in 2M sram * Build in 16M flash menu* Come with one driver CD* NEO3-MiniSD support MiniSD, […]
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3622.0.html
* Run the NDS clean rom from SD directly,not need any extra patcher* Support multi-clean rom* Build in battery AD monitor* Build in 16 bit DMA* Build in 8Kb inner high-speed buffer* Build in 2M sram * Build in 16M flash menu* Come with one driver CD* NEO3-TF support TF […]
the new MK4 upgrade version and NEO3 in stock
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3605.0.html
new MK4-mini:
new MK4-key:
NEO2/3 Mini-SD : using the neo2-menu v1.3 can support >98% clean roms.
NEO2-TF is in stock now!
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3302.0.html
* Run the NDS clean rom from TF directly,not need any extra patcher* Support multi-clean rom* Build in battery AD monitor* Build in universal IR remote,can support TV/HiFi/PS2/XBOX,and the remote code is upgradable* 100% GBA hardware save* Build in 3 set separate RTC* Build in 16 bit […]
NEO2-SD in stock now!
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3254.0.html
* Run the NDS clean rom from SD directly,not need any extra patcher* Support multi-clean rom* Build in battery AD monitor* Build in universal IR remote,can support TV/HiFi/PS2/XBOX,and the remote code is upgradable* 100% GBA hardware save* Build in 3 set separate RTC* Build in 16 bit DMA* […]
NEO3-TF is in stock now!
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3304.0.html
* Run the NDS clean rom from TF directly,not need any extra patcher* Support multi-clean rom* Build in battery AD monitor* Build in universal IR remote,can support TV/HiFi/PS2/XBOX,and the remote code is upgradable* Build in 16 bit DMA* Build in 8Kb inner high-speed buffer* Build in 2M […]
The NEO2-Lite final release!
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3154.0.html
come wiht 2 free case (one white and one see-through black),and one GBA/SP extension case.
you can change the lite cart to normal gba cart in few seconds,tools free!
retail packing
come with one SL4
the backside view
order now: www.ic2005.com
NEO3-SD is in stock now!
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3305.0.html
* Run the NDS clean rom from SD directly,not need any extra patcher* Support multi-clean rom* Build in battery AD monitor* Build in 16 bit DMA* Build in 8Kb inner high-speed buffer* Build in 2M sram * Build in 16M flash menu* Come with one driver CD* […]
NEO2 Ultra Menu V1.33 beta2 [May.11th 2007]
History:* support SL3 and SL4 both
How to:[1] install the beta2[2] plug in the SL3 or SL4 , system will ask you to specify the USB driver position.
for the SL3, select the correct folder : C:\Program Files\NEO2 FlashTeam\Neo2 Menu Setup\Driver\SlimLoader III
and for SL4, select : C:\Program […]
the neo3 family photos (NEO2 is same)
can support up to 4GB (32Gbit) TF / SD / MiniSD,support home brew and clean rom directly,plug and play,not need any PC patcher.
more link:
NEO3 – SD: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3305.0.html
NEO3 – Mini SD: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3620.0.html
NEO3 – TF: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3622.0.html
the old retail packing of MK5 GIGA system , now we have the new one already 🙂
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3703.0.html
the cart
the packing
what come with in the 8G packing
what come with in the 16G packing
the backside view.
MK5 GIGA cart user menu V1.0
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,3701.0.html
MK5 final SPEC:* Support clean rom,not need any patch,just need drag and drop* Huge memory space,from 8Gbit upto 64Gbit* USB 2.0 high-speed data transfer* USB disk function, compatible with any operation system* Build in the last moonshell V1.5 and upgradable* Support homebrew* Build in SMS multi […]
munkorNewbie Offline
Posts: 3
firstly i would like to know if there is any way to dump my current NDS cart's onto my MK5…
and also, if there is a way to retrieve my saves from these carts for use too.
any help is appreciated
Kenny […]
original link : http://gbx.ru/index.php?showtopic=21218
By Santos
NEO-MK5 – это флэшка под Slot 1 ( DS Slot ) со встроенной памятью.На данный момент существуют варианты с 1 и 2 Гигабайтами памяти на борту, хотя производителем заявлены ещё варианты аж до 8 Гб.
Спецификация:– Поддержка чистых ромов, не нужно использовать доп. софт для их патченья.– Не […]
Just a few lines to let you know that I wrote a review (in Italian) for your stunning MK5 Giga cart:it's completely from an user point of view, I was NOT reviewing it for any professional purposesnor to get the free MK5, since I'm already an happy user of the 16gb version! 🙂 The site […]
MK5 GIGA cart 8G version ReviewPosted By: wraggsteroriginal link: http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/mk5-giga-cart-8g-version-review-59542.html
Supplier – IC2005 – Neoflash
A few weeks ago i recieved the new MK5 Giga Cart 8G version from Neoflash to review, my apologies but im very late with it, with all the news i post and judging comps and running websites it leaves little […]